52|| Drunk on Desire

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Celeste // February 27/28

Dante and I wordlessly parted ways, each of us making our ways to our bedroom.

I changed into my sleepwear, an oversized white t-shirt that reaches my thigh and simple black underwear. After cleaning my face and undoing my hair I planned on going right to sleep, but then I realized Dante still has my knife.

I can't sleep without my property being with me so that's why I'm now here, standing barefoot in his wing and knocking on the fifth door, hoping that this one would be his bedroom.

No one answers and I sigh, ready to head to the next door. But just when I'm about to turn, the door opens.

He's not wearing a shirt.

His smooth tanned chest is on full display and instantly my eyes start tracing the black lines of his tattoos.

"If you came here just to stare at me, I can provide you with some pictures instead."

I snap my eyes up to his and decide to ignore the comment.

There's a glass in his hand, filled with something that looks like what he'd drank back at the mayor's house.


"You really should be careful with that," I say, pointing at the drink.

His head tips down and he fails to hide his smile. "Are you concerned about my health?"

My cheeks tint at the tease in his tone and I start looking for the right words to defend myself. He doesn't give me much time to respond, though. Because he opens his bedroom door further before turning around.

"Come with me," he says as he walks into his room.

I stand there frozen like an idiot. For some reason the offer felt dangerous, as if I'd be following the devil himself straight into hell.

I really should just ask for my knife and go back to my bedroom.

Yes, I could use some sleep after tonight.

A good night rest would do wonders.

I should just go back to my room....

Dante's bedroom door falls shut behind me and I follow him into his space.

His room is way bigger than mine.

It's dark, modern and the wall of glass before me leaves me with a stunning view of Chicago's city lights.

His large bed is standing on a plateau on the left side, where I assume his bathroom and closet were located too. But Dante's walking to the right side of the room.

There's a small bar there and a seating arrangement consisting of two black leather chairs facing the windows.

I follow him to the bar, he sets down his drink on the black marble and reaches to the tall bottle holder rack behind it.

He turns back to me with a golden bottle in his hand and a sly smirk on his face.

"Do you want to try it?" he asks, closing our distance.

He sees my doubts and adds, "I promise you won't die, bambina." He tilts my head up with his index finger curled underneath my chin. "I wouldn't let that happen."

"Okay," I say, briefly taken aback by his intense eyes. "I'll try it."

His lips pull up into a lazy smile as he opens the bottle. A strong scent hits my senses and he puts the opening to my lips.

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