Chapter 26

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October 29th, 1994.

"Bye Leopold," Layla gave her step-father a light hug, "send Maman our love, seeing as we'll be unable to return for Yule."

"I promise I'll pass on your regards," Leopold reassured his step-daughter, "keep safe."

"As always," Layla smiled mischievously, "though, I will definitely get up to some crazy things."

"I wouldn't expect less," Leopold chuckled, "go have fun."

"There you are," Jean ran up to her, "we've been looking everywhere. Ray says that Madam Maxime wants us to head to the chariots."

"I'm coming," Layla grabs Jean's hand and runs, "bye again!"

"She's taken to her stepfather quickly," Antiope smiled, "good. Less tension in the house."

"I'm so nervous," Layla admitted once they were about an hour into the journey, "what if my transformation fails?"

"Just practice a little now," Gabrielle Dupont suggested, "it can't harm you."

"She's right," Felicity Farkas agreed, "give it a go Layla."

Layla took a deep breath, and allowed her inner self to relax. Her bones stretched, her skin grew fur, her head shrunk, and her hair melted into her fur. Within moments, a beautiful Abur Leopard sat in Layla Greengrass' seat.

"You're so pretty," Jean gasped at her best friend's animagus form. Petting her, she added, "And so soft as well. You'll blow them away Layla."

"Let me," Ray moved closer to Layla, petting her soft fur, "oh Saint Martha's! Your fur is so soft Layla."

"I still can't believe that a bastard like her was able to make such a transformation," Narcissa sniffed haughtily, "she should know her place."

"The good purebloods at Hogwarts will put them in their place," Lucius reassured his wife, "no need to get upset over a filthy bastard."

"Watch how you speak of my future child," Larissa's quiet voice reached the ears of the Malfoy heir, "I may not be the greatest at martial magic, but I'm a spell crafter. I know how to make a spell that will leave you wishing you never opened your mouth."

"How dare you speak to a Malfoy like that!" Lucius spat at the girl, incensed at her daring, "you are nothing but a whore!"

"I am no prostitute," Larissa's soft yet firm voice rang in the room, "and you have no right to speak such disgusting words about my children. They are victims of horrible circumstances, children of sin. The sin of rape that is. If you feel that threatened by my child, focus on improving yourself, rather than degrade a child that has yet to be born, that will never be born."

Insults were on the tip of Lucius' tongue, yet he was unable to say them. The clever witch had cursed off his mouth, and the regular counter curse wasn't working.

October 30th, 1994.

"This is it," Victor whispered, "we return to our roots. We come to meet our mother's ghosts."

"Indeed," Damian felt the same melancholic feeling his younger brother expressed, "though Hogwarts is truly beautiful. Maman's words do its beauty no justice."

Their carriage touched the ground, their Abraxans landing smoothly on a bridge. The carriages were enchanted with undetectable extension charms, and would serve as their home base while on foreign soil.

"They got to use the chariots," Lyra's eyes widened in glee, "look how pretty they are Daniel."

"I see them sister," Daniel shook his head at his older sister's simple joy, "I'm not blind."

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