Chapter 27

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The next day, Madam Maxime allowed for them all to explore Hogwarts, as the Triwizard Cup would be choosing the champions later that night. Knowing everyone would be far to excited to learn, Madam Maxime had waived classes for the day. Layla had chosen to visit the library, wanting to see the place her mother had spent most of her school days in.

"Excuse me," Layla asked a bushy haired girl, "is it possible for you to point me in the direction of the books on curses and jinxes? I would ask the librarian, but I can't seem to locate her."

"Of course," the girl straightened, "please follow me."

"Thank you," Layla smiled, before realizing something, "that was rather rude of me. I should have introduced myself first. I'm Layla Greengrass. Thank you for the help Miss."

"No problem," the girl replied, "I'm Hermione Granger. It's a pleasure to help anyone who wishes to make use of the library."

"Merlin it's another Lily," Marlene stared at the vision horrified, "Mary, it's another Lily!"

"I see that," Mary's face slightly pales, "oh Merlin is that poor boy in for it."

"Why are you two so rude?" Lily gave the two girls a harsh glare, "stop making fun of people who like the library."

"Yes Ma'am," the two girls quickly responded, knowing Lily was incredibly overprotective of both the library and the academics who loved it.

Hermione leads Layla to the section on curses and jinxes. It was just as her maman had described. 

"Thank you," Layla thanked the girl earnestly, "sorry for disturbing your reading. I'll be alright for now."

"No problem," the girl smiled and walked off. Layla ran her hand over the spines of the books. Had her maman done the very same all those years ago? Had she sat in this section of the library, desperately trying to improve? Layla couldn't answer that for sure, yet she knew, by the end of this exchange experience, she would find out. That was her personal goal for the next few months. She wanted to find out more about her mother.

"Hi Selena," Damian went to greet his friend, "its been a few months."

Selena was sitting with a few of her housemates at the Gryffindor table during lunch. There was a red haired boy and girl, a boy with messy dark hair, and a blonde boy sitting besides her. Selena startled at Damian's sudden appearance, but quickly regained her cool. The dark skinned brunette stood to give him a hug, and Damian embraced his friend.

"It's so cute to see how people can be connected," Euphemia gushed, "Mr. Flamel went to say goodbye to the Scamanders, and in the process, forever connected three families. Isn't that cute Monty?"

"Whatever you say Effie," Fleamont agreed with his wife, "I just hope that nothing else dramatic will happen to these poor children."

"You're the animagus from last night!" the red haired boy proclaimed tactlessly, "bloody hell mate, that's really cool."

"It is," Selena proceeded to pinch Damian, who instantly yelped in pain, "that's for not telling us. How come we found out that you three were animagi with the rest of the general population?"

"Sorry Selena," Damian apologized, amused that she was angry over something as trifle as that, "I won't do it again."

"You better not," Selena huffed with her hands on her hips, "Damian, meet my best friend, Ginny Wealey." Selena pointed to the cheery red haired girl beside her, "the other redhead is her older brother Ron, the blond boy is Neville, and the messy haired boy is our local celebrity, Harry Potter. I'm sure you've heard of him, even in France."

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