Hes alive

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Aurora was running, fast. She kept looking back hoping CX—2 isn't behind her, to her luck he wasn't yet.

She ran past cells and there was a guilt in her seeing them all so miserable. But she continued to run past them until a clone called out to her and she stopped and looked at him. Panting some.

"What's going on? Is someone or something after you?"

"Yes, have you seen a young female clone anywhere? Please, I need to find her."

"Hmm, a female clone you say. I did see her I believe she's the last cell down the hallways."

Aurora nods.

"Thank you so much," she starts to run off again.

"Wait," he yells to her, she waits. "What about us?"

Aurora thinks for a second.

"I'll come back for all of you, I promise. Once I reunite with my squad we'll get you out."

"Good, now hurry. Your kid is waiting on you."

Aurora slightly smiles then heads down the hallway. It was long, very long.

————with Wrecker and Echo————

"What does plan 44 mean?" Wrecker asked.

"It means, something was up and she'll find her way back to us. Or we'll find her."

"Wait how does she know that plan?"

"Hunter probably taught her it during their time on Pabu."


"Come on." Wrecker sighs then runs after him again.


"Omega," she whispered as she peered into the tiny window.

She looked around but didn't see anyone. She sighed then looked away.

"Aurora! It's you." Omega jumps up. A smile shows over Auroras face.

"Mega! Your here!"

Omega smiled back. And

"I got a friend."

"We are not 'friends'." A voice says from behind her.

"Ignore him," Omega looks up at Aurora sadly. "I have to tell you something. It's about Tech. And it's bad."

Omega admits. Aurora tilts her head.

"What did you find—" A hand covers her mouth.

Omega sees then shouts her name in fear.

"Let her go!" She starts banging on the doors.

Aurora look up and saw it was CX—2.

"I told you not to be trouble." He tightens his grip around her mouth and nose.

It begins to get harder to breathe.

"Hey." CX—2 looks back and Wrecker punches him right in the helmet. He hits the ground.

Aurora starts coughing and looks down at CX then up to Wrecker and Echo.

"Thanks." Aurora said in one breath.

"Anytime." Wrecker shrugged.

"Have you found Omega yet?" Echo asked and she nodded. Then she points at the cell doors.

Omega—who is still on her tippy toes—waves at them both with a guilty smile.

"Watch out kid. I'm getting you out of there." Wrecker says then Omega moves.

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