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"Commandos, commandos, commandos..." Aurora keeps whispering to herself as she ran; searching for them.

As she was running she heard a noise but didn't think much of it. She continued on.

The farther she got the more stronger she had the feeling that someone was following her. She suddenly stopped and looked around but didn't see anyone.

She chose to go on once again but the second she took her first step a gun cocked and she heard Hunter yell out to her from a far. Before she knew she collapsed to the ground unconscious.

Hunter, who was far away from her with Scar and Crosshair, started to run towards her before Crosshair grabbed his arm.

"Hunter, be strategic he's using her for bait." Crosshair said.

"I know that but," the conversation that he had with Omega pops back in his head and reminds him that CX—Tech— wants to make her into a CX. "We have to get her back before—"

He stops himself as he sees CX—2 walk towards her then looks up at him, Crosshair, and Scar.

Scar groaned.

"Ughh, we're all gonna die now." He complain.

"Stow it!," Crosshair shouted then looked at Hunter. "What do we do?!"

"The CX that captured us...he's Tech but they brainwashed him like they did with Aurora once." Keep going through Hunters mind.

"Hunter!" He snaps him out of his thoughts.

Hunter looks over his shoulder back at Crosshair then looks at CX—2, he was walking towards them with his hands behind his back.

CX—2 stopped not that far away from them. Hunter stood in front of his Crosshair—and a little bit of Scar—he gave CX—2 a pity facial expression.

"Ah the leader of the rouge clones of Clone Force 99. What a surprise," he chuckles through his mask. "How I've waited for this conversation. I knew soon enough you'd find them both."

Hunter and Crosshair both share a glance.

"Step away from her, before we make you." Crosshair says.

That just made CX—2 chuckle harder at what Crosshair said.

"Yup you're done for." Scar muttered.

"Ahaha, CT—9904. Your way of thinking is...illogical. Your strength is only with snipers—which only work from a far away, which we are not. If we got into a fist fight you would lose momentarily. Thats your weakness," he looks at Hunter. "And you, your weakness is your enhanced senses and your squad clearly."

Both Crosshair and Hunter's facial expressions harden.

"Let's be strategic; I know you won't stop at anything to get her back but you won't ever win. I won't ever let you win. I'll send the whole Galactic Empire after your squad and then they'll all die."

"Heh, we've fought way, way worse then you." Hunter shot back.

CX—2 chuckles.

"So naive, you may think you've had worse but no one—not even Dr.Royce Hemlock was anywhere close to me. I am superior, more then you realize."

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