To Seven

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the large guild hall seemed empty when we arrived back in Magnolia.

From what I gather, the guild faced a lot of issues when Tenrou Island disappeared. For various reasons, the revenue of the guild dropped dramatically. It was only donations from Seven that allowed the guild to retain the old guild hall.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Macao, the stand-in guild leader for Makarov's absence says to me.

He was bowing extremely deeply. Very appreciative of something.

"Without the support from Seven...we would have fallen even more out of grace than what we did," he explained as everyone was looking at me. I blush as I try to play everything down.

"Nothing to thank me over...I was the reason why we disappeared in the first place," I tell him as all the members of Fairy Tail who weren't at Tenrou Island look at me in shock.

"A group of magic council members saw what happened...they captured everything on a lacrima. Everyone saw what you did. That dragon was no joke...and that attack..." Macao begins as I hush him.

"Please...if I was stronger...I could've stopped him," I tell everyone before leaving the guild. I'd rather not have everyone's attention.

It's weird. For 7 years to be gone just like that. I look around Magnolia. I hadn't really had a chance to explore the town after my quest in Seven. So in reality, it had been 11 years that the town had to change. Shops that I remember, have changed. The people looked at me with questioning faces, not remembering who I was.

I started to look for apartments to stay in. I guess I was lucky that I didn't have enough time to do this before leaving for Tenrou island...or else I woulda left it abandoned for 7 years.

"Damn Natsu," I mutter as I recall my old apartment. It woulda been nice to recover some personal items.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Erza call for me. I turn to the redhead as she greets me.

"Why did you leave the guild hall all of a sudden?" She asks me.

"I need to find a place to sleep," I tell her as she looks at me quietly.

"Master Makarov has given us a mission," she tells me as I roll my eyes.

"Can I seriously not get a break," I mutter as she laughs

"It's not that kind of mission. He wants us to visit the kingdom of Seven. And thank them for supporting the guild in our absence," She explains as my mind goes back to my time in Seven. The country itself was beautiful, the people were absolutely lovely...however, when I think of Seven, I think of the war.

The smell of dead bodies assaults my senses. The smell of rotting flesh. The sight of bugs swarming over mass graves...calm down...that was all in the past.

"I guess that only makes sense," I say. It was clear that without the support of Seven. The remaining guild members would have had an extremely hard time.

"Master wants us to leave immediately," Erza says as I can't help but laugh.

"I swear, I've been travelling nonstop since the war ended," I tell her as the redhead smiles.

"I suppose so. However, hopefully, this will be a lot more relaxing, I guess you get to show me around Seven much earlier than expected," she says as I laugh.

"Yeah, I suppose so,"

Erza POV

The train rumbles on its tracks as we head toward the Kingdom of Seven. (Y/N) was sleeping. A deep sleep from the sound of it. Even in sleep, I noticed he kept his senses up. Any disturbance in the magical energy around us would likely wake him.

Unlike Natsu, who would barely stand travelling. (Y/N) seemed to embrace it. Either it was because he got to let loose. Or maybe it was because he could actually rest...I'm not sure.

Either way, looking at his sleeping face. Was oddly satisfying.

I lean back in my seat as I look outside. Memories from Tenrou Island keep popping up in my head. (Y/N)s large-scale magic spells were something absolutely mind-blowing. To think he held that much power.

He'd surely be a wizard saint had he not gone for the war in Seven. Although his magic is very destructive, he never seemed to gain a reputation for destroying things like Natsu has. I don't know what makes him even more impressive, the ability to launch such a large-scale attack, or being able to scale that destructive power down to suit the situation. That is a skill that Natsu does not possess.

The train continues toward Sevens capital city. I was looking out the window when someone tapped my shoulder.

My eyes darted to the source and I found a little boy looking at (Y/N).

"Do you know him?" The boy asked as I nodded a little confused at the question.

"Yes...why do you ask?" I respond as a huge smile appears on his face.

"That's the saviour! The hero who saved us all!" He explains excitedly as I raise a brow.

"Him?" I ask again pointing at a sleeping (Y/N)...I swear I noticed him drooling in his sleep.

"Yes, the saviour, the hero who saved us from the barbarians from Iceberg," he explains.

"Oh...then yes that's him," I tell the child. It had never occurred to me that the residents of Seven had considered (Y/N) a hero. I guess it adds up if Seven assisted the guild financially in our absence.

"Father told me many stories. How the hero would show up and instantly win the battle with a single Magic spell! My entire classroom wants to be like him. He's so cool!" The boy basically fauns over (Y/N).

A man approaches the boy.

"Son, will you quiet down? You gonna wake the poor g—-," the boys fit her begin before he saw (Y/N)

He looked at me with shocked eyes. I could see what he was thinking.

"Yes," I answered before he could ask me who (Y/N) was. The man just smiled

"They say that (Y/N) never got much sleep on the battlefields in Iceberg," the father told me.

"It's good to see him sleeping so soundly...he must trust you deeply. I'm sorry for my boy," the father says before whisking away the child.

I look at (Y/N) 's sleeping face.

"I didn't give you enough credit for your contributions toward the war obviously," I mutter to myself as the train keeps moving toward the capital city.

Recovery (Fairy Tail Male Reader x Erza)Where stories live. Discover now