スパイ活動 | Spying (Pt 2)

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If I had one more wish, it would've been that I wouldn't have meet this psycho.


"What would you like?" I asked her. She hummed and looked around the menu. I took the opportunity and looked at her facial features.

She stared at me.

I just got caught. "N-No don't worry about it, I invited you, I will pay" I said with a smile. "Bu-" I interupted her "I won't accept a no" I said to her with a calm voice.

She sighed and nodded. The waitress finally came and we told them our order.

A few minutes passed by and our food and drinks finally came. "Here is your drinks and food, would you guys like anything else? We have a special that's just 6.99" I looked at Sana and she shook her head.

"No thanks that would be all, thank you"

"Great! Have a noce day, we hope to see you sometime again" They said and left.


Little did they know a small brunette was looking at them from afar. Her teeth gritted and her knuckles white as paper from clunching it.

She was jealous, and she knew nobody took what was hers. The Brunette quickly hid behind a tree when she saw Sana look at her direction.

The Brunette was so mad that she glared at the girls infront of her. Both of them calm, flirting and having fun talking to each other.

If a glare could kill somebody, oh boy would have they been long gone.


"Yeah so basica-" I stopped mid sentence when I felt some stares behind me. I looked behind and saw nothing but just people walking around.

"Is everything okay?" The girl asked infront of me. I nodded and just shrugged it off. "Y-yeah.. I just felt like somebody was staring at me." She frowned and looked at me from behind.

"But there's literally the vice president hiding behind a tree, it's creepy because it looks like she's spying on us" She said with a sarcasm in her voice.

My heart stopped, the hairs in my arms going up snd I looked behind. I saw a figure that looked exactly like Jennie and panicked.

"W-we should leave already" I told her with panic in my voice. "Why? We just got here like half an hour ago?" She asked with a confused voice.

"Y-Yeah I know, but it-it's getting dark already and I-I don't want problems with your family" I told her. She nodded and understood.

"Oh- Oh kay?"She said and we both stood up. We left the money on the table and the waiter quickly came and took it.

We took our chances and left the Caffee shop. I noticed a glimpse of a figure still there. My heart beated even faster then before. We entered the car and left that place quickly.

"I-I'm sorry about that" I told her with a weak smile. She smiled back and looked directly into my eyes "You two have a really really special 'friendship' Do ya?" She asked obviously saying with sarcasm in her voice.

"What do you mean special 'friendship?'" I asked her. "Well, you guys are pretty obvious about it. Y'all probably have done things before"

"I still don't get your point please be more specific." She rolled her eyes and smacked her head. "What I'm saying is that if you guys have already had sex Lisa, Sex. Gosh your so slow" She said the last few words with a chuckle.

Deep down she wanted to know more. "I-No we don't we-we're normal friends don't be we-weird heh" I said stuttering.

Damn it already got caught?? "Don't worry Lisa, I'm not those type of people to go spread rumors around your secret is safe with me" I sighed but I tried not making it obvious still.

"I still don't k-know what you're talking about?"

"Okay Lisa you know what if you keep acting dumb I'm going to slap you to death." I chuckled and kept facing the road.

"At ** Turn to your left and then to your right and you'll be at my house"  I nodded. So she said left and right, got it.

"Okay we're here" I told her after taking the directions she told me.

"Where do I park?" I asked her. "You can park at the side road don't worry they won't get mad at you" I clicked my tongue and parked.

"It was fun hanging out with you Lisa, I hope we still do." She said with a wide smile in her face. "Me too Sana, I hope we can still hang out" She nodded and closed the door.

I sighed. What was that weird figure staring right at us? Was I just seeing things or?..

Nevermind I'll just go home, it's probably because I didn't rest well.


Words (818)

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