A fresh Start (Part 2)

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Chucky laughed as he saw the look of fear on his husband's face. The feel of his husband's body pressed against him felt amazing and he decided that he wouldnt take the cuffs off until he got the revenge that he was so desperate for.

"Does that hurt, honey? I thought i'd put the cuffs on a little tight. I know how much you like it tight."

Chucky pressed his husband against the wall slightly tighter.

"You mean you like it tight." The omega mumbled.

Chucky laughed as he heard his husband speak. He pressed his husband's body tightly against his own, getting him as close as he could.

His breath was hot on his husband's face and his touch was rough. "Oh, I love it tight. You know that."

Y/n scoffed before he glared. "You won't win Chucky. Your a stupid doll. Your 3 foot."

Chucky laughed as he held his husband against him tightly. The omega could feel his rough hands and he felt the heat from his body.

"You know that is not all that matters in this world. I know what you really like." His hands wandered from the sides of his body, brushing close to his husband's chest.

Chucky leaned close and spoke to his husband's ear. "I have known you for 15 years and I know everything about you."

Y/n shook his head. "You don't know me chucky. Before I left I did everything for you. I slaved away over a hot stove, cleaning the dishes, making cookies, making sweedish meatballs and for what? For a man who didn't appreciate me." Y/n yelled.

"For a man who isn't even a man at all where it counts, if you catch my drift." The omega snapped.

Chucky froze at the last comment his husband made about his size on the intimate part of his body. He squeezed his husband against him so tight that it hurt.

Chucky felt a wave of anger wash over him as his husband spoke. He tightened the cuffs on his wrists even more. "Are you body shaming me Y/n?! You know how much I hate that!"

Chucky laughed at the fear he knew he had just put in his husband. "You know, the more you speak, the tighter I make these cuffs."

"Your a fucking doll chucky. You probably don't even have a dick anymore." Y/n snapped.

Chucky's anger boiled over and his grip tightened on his husbands wrists painfully. "Is that right?! Is that what you really think Y/n?!  I am very much a man down there, as I am sure YOU remember very well."

Chucky pushed his husband against the wall harder making sure to hurt him. "I will show you that I am VERY much a man down there. Just like I showed you time and time again when we were married."

Y/n gulped. He grabbed the knife without Chucky noticing as he began to pick the handcuffs. "Your a doll Chucky. Your not human anymore. You won't even be able to put it in. I'm a human chucky. Not a doll like you."

Chucky squeezed his wrists tighter in rage once again as he heard his husband's words. "I am still very much so a human and I am able to perform all functions of one, including what is in my pants."

Chucky smirked as he saw his husband start to pick the handcuffs. "You want to put it up to that test? Cause I can show you how much of a human I am right now. I can show you how much of a human I am in bed."

Y/n glared as he got the handcuffs off and threw them across the room. Y/n quickly yanked the knife out of Chuckys hand. Y/n cut his palm because of grabbing the knife by the blade but he didn't care.

"Why did you come here Chucky? I was happy and now your back? Why can't you just let me be happy?" The omega yelled.

Chucky growled in anger as he felt his wrist released from the cuffs  "I cannot let you be happy without me and you know it. I am the only one who can give you the love and desire that you seek."

Chucky's eyes narrowed as he spoke.  "I have spent the last 6 years trying to find you all the while knowing what I would do when I found you."

Chucky smirked. "And I am here to finally finish what I started. "

Y/n gulped. Y/n watched as Chucky held up the knife, looking at the blade. "W-what do you plan to do?" Y/n asked. He heard the kids laughing and playing outside.

Chucky smirked as he held the knife in his hand. He stared at the blade as if admiring it. "Something I have been wanting to do for a long time, my dear, precious Y/n."

He looked up at his husband. "Do you even know what I came here to do? Do you know why I spent the last 6 years trying to find you?"

Y/n slowly shook his head. He heard his family in the front room. The kids were inside now and playing in the front room.

Chucky stared at Y/n as he spoke, his body slowly inching closer to him. "I know that you think you are safe and you think that you've gotten rid of me for good, but you are wrong."

Chucky laughed as he spoke, a cruel and twisted laugh that showed no remorse for what he was planning. "I want you back, Y/n, and I will not stop until I have you back in my life for good. You will never be free of me because we are meant to be together forever."

Y/n picked Chucky up. "Your going up in the attic where no one can see you. I will not let you kill anyone." Y/n said as he stood up and took Chucky upstairs.

Chucky was shocked when Y/n picked him up like a doll and took him up the stairs. He had not expected that Y/n would take him by force.

"You cannot keep me locked away in the attic and you cant ignore my feelings! We are meant to be together forever and I am here to remind you of that."

Chucky started squirming in his hands, trying to get free and fight his way out.

Y/n closed the attic door as he placed Chucky down. Y/n sighed as he sat down so he was level with Chucky. "How did you even find me?" The omega asked quietly.
Chucky stayed still when he felt himself placed back down on the ground. He felt the attic close around him and he felt a wave of anger wash over him.

"How?" Chucky laughed as if the answer were obvious. "It was not hard, my love. I spent six years trying and looking for you and I found you. All it took was some determination and a bit of my old detective skills. I was not going to give up until I had you back in my arms."

Y/n looked out the window. It was dark now and the snow was falling. Y/n stopped as he heard everyone going to bed.

"Y/n Ella won't go to bed. She wants you to tuck her in." Y/ns brother, Jamie, called up the attic stairs.

Y/n wiped his tears. "Yeah I'm coming." Y/n stood up before he sighed and looked down at Chucky. "Just stay here and be quiet. I'll be back." Y/n said before he left the attic.

Chucky stayed silent as he watched Y/n leave him in the attic. He heard the footsteps of Jamie coming up the stairs to tell him to tuck Ella into bed because she just wouldnt go to sleep. The footsteps then faded away as everyone else went back to bed.

Chucky stayed still until he was sure that it had been awhile since someone had been in the attic with him. And then, he waited some more.

He waited until he thought it was safe to make his escape.

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