I dont want to be a killer

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I got really into this so I might even make a book out of it or just do it as a mini series on here. Thanks for the request Biggirl568 (Also if I do turn this into a book if anyone can help me with the story title that would be great lol) I liked this but sorry if it's shit 😅 😬 😭

Tiffany sighed as she baked some cookies. The killer doll was lost in her own thoughts when Y/n, her four year old son, came running in. Y/n was a doll, too, just like his mom. Tiffany smiled as she looked at him. Tiffany has been hiding Y/n from Chucky because she didn't want the killer to know about Y/n. She wanted Y/n to live a normal life as best as he could with being a doll.

Y/n giggled as he looked at his mom. "Mommy, why don't I have a daddy?" Y/n asked. He didn't know that his dad is the famous killer doll. He had never met Chucky and Tiffany never told him about him because she didn't want Y/n to grow up with killing.

Tiffany had went cold turkey and stopped killing when Y/n was born.

Tiffany sighed as she continued to bake the cookies. "You don't have a daddy because he's uh." Tiffany said, thinking about how she should explain this in the most age-appropriate way possible.

(You don't have a daddy because he's a killer.) Tiffany thought.

"Because he's not a good person," Tiffany said at last, hoping the explanation would suffice for now.

Y/n tilted his head. "A bad person?" Y/n asked the other doll.

Tiffany sighed again, knowing that explaining why Chucky is a bad person would be really difficult to do without scaring Y/n.

"He does bad things to people," she said finally, trying to keep it as simple as possible. For now, she would just have to let Y/n believe Chucky is a bad person for now until he was older and could understand more complicated things.

Y/n nodded as he hugged her. "I love you mommy."

Tiffany smiled at her son and hugged him back.

"I love you, too," she said, her expression softening as she looked at the adorable doll in her arms.

Y/n gasped as his eyes landed on the cookies. "Can I have one?" Y/n asked excitedly. But then he saw that his mom was also making sweedish meatballs, and he knew that he wasn't going to be allowed a cookie until after dinner.

Tiffany laughed as she saw the joy on Y/n's face when he saw the cookies, but then the excitement vanished when he realized there would be no cookie until after dinner.

"No, you have to wait until after dinner," she said, her voice firm but affectionate. "But if you eat all of your food and you're good, I'll give you extra cookies for dessert."

Y/n quickly nodded. "Yes mommy you made sweedish meatballs. You make them so good." The little boy giggled.

Tiffany smiled as she heard Y/n's words of praise about her Swedish meatballs. It was always a good feeling when she cooked something that her son loved.

"Thank you, honey," she said. "It's one of your favorites, so I made sure to make them extra special for you tonight."

Time skip

Tiffany and Y/n had come back home after their little walk. It was hard being dolls because they always had to stay out of sight.

Y/n giggled. "Mommy who is that?" Y/n asked, pointing to a very familiar doll to Tiffany, sitting on the couch.

Chucky held an axe as he smirked. "Daddy's home." Chucky laughed.

Tiffany's heart dropped into her stomach as she saw Chucky sitting on the couch. She immediately picked up Y/n and held him close to her, knowing what Chucky was capable of.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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