A fresh Start (Part 3)

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I do not know how to feel about these parts sorry if there bad 😭😭😭😒💀💀💀💀💀
Y/n didn't even bother to go back to the attic. He knew he shouldn't trust Chucky but seeing him again made the omegas feeling emerge. Did he really still love Chucky. Maybe he could help Chucky find a body and be human again.

Y/n sighed as he got back into bed. Y/n was on edge because he didn't know if Chucky was going to kill his family or not.

Would chucky kill Ella? His own daughter?

Chucky waited for a while until he didnt hear any footseps down the stairs or outside of the attic. He was finally confident that everyone had gone to bed and now it was time for him to make his move.

He waited for a few more minutes, just to be sure, before he started to look for a way to leave the attic. He slowly crept to the door and checked that nobody was near.

Y/n heard his bedroom door squeek open. The omega gulped. "W-whose that?"

Chucky stopped just outside the attic door as he heard Y/n call out. He stayed as still as he could and tried to keep his breathing silent. He listened intently as he heard the door to Y/n's bedroom open up and he heard Y/n call out.

Chucky was not about to leave while Y/n was awake and could stop him. He would wait as long as he needed to get a window of opportunity but he was not leaving until he got what he wanted.

Y/n sighed. He knew it was Chucky. Y/n got out of bed and walked out of his bedroom. He saw Chucky on the landing. "I'm done questioning you." The omega mumbled as he picked Chucky up.

Chucky had been waiting for a moment like that. He was not expecting to be picked up like a doll. He looked up at his husband as he was lifted into the air.

Chucky didnt give a chance for Y/n to say or do anything to him before he lunged at him and bit his neck, digging his teeth into the omega's flesh.

Y/n yelped. "W-what was that for?"

Chucky smiled as he spoke and his words were filled with cruelty. "For abandoning me and leaving me all alone,"  Chucky replied as he bit down on his husbands neck even harder.

"You left me all alone and I will never forgive you for that."

"I was going to bring you into my room and let you sleep in my bed but you can forget it scar face." Y/n snapped as he threw the doll on the ground.

Chucky hit the floor hard from the fall and it hurt him, which made him angry. He looked up at his husband and felt his anger grow as he did.  "I dont want to sleep in your bed." Chucky snapped. "I want you to be with me in bed."

Chucky felt his body ache as his anger grew and his temperature rose. He could feel the urge to act become stronger and stronger as he spoke.

"That's exactly what I was going to do chucky. I was going to let you sleep in my bed and cuddle you. But no, now I'm not." The omega snapped.

Chucky froze at his husband's comment. He had thought that Y/n would reject him, that he would not give in to him, but it seemed he was wrong.

Chucky slowly got to his feet and began to walk towards his husband, his anger slowly disappearing. "You would still let me sleep in your bed and cuddle with me?"

Y/n stepped back. "If your going to bite me again I swear Chucky."

Chucky stopped and looked at his husband. He had lost his self-control with the anger but he had to stop himself if he wanted to have him back.

"I promise I wont bite you again but please come back and let me cuddle with you." Chucky replied softly.

"See after all these years you still havent gotten your anger issues under control." The omega mumbled.

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