A fresh Start (Part 4)

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Ella looked up at her papa and smiled as she saw him standing in front of her.  She had been up late waiting for him to hug her and tuck her in to bed as she had gotten nervous and felt like he had forgotten about her. When she saw her papa with Chucky, she thought something was off. The doll was standing just like daddy did....

"Papa, what's wrong?" Ella asked as her eyes went from her father to the doll.

Y/n rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced at his husband. The doll was standing on the bed. "Nothings wrong sweetie, how long have you been there?" Y/n asked his daughter.

Ella looked back at her father as he asked her about how long she had been standing there.  She had heard a bit of what he had said to Chucky and she had seen how the doll looked.  Something definitely wasn't right.

"For a while." Ella replied as she looked back up at her father. "Papa, you know that doll can't stand on its own. How is it standing on the bed?"

Chucky stood there silent, not sure if he should speak up or stay silent and let Y/n handle this.

Y/n sighed as he sat on the bed with Chucky. "Ella, sweeetie, sit down please."

Ella nodded her head and walked over to the bed. She sat down next to her father, still staring at Chucky with a confused look on her face.

She could see that her father was holding the doll in his arms and she had heard him call the doll Chucky. This confused the tiny girl as she remembered hearing her family talk about a Chucky when she was only a baby, but they always said he was a bad man and would hurt her if she was mean.

"Papa?" Ella asked after a moment of silence.

Y/n nodded. "Yeah sweetie?"

Ella looked back up at her father which meant that her eyes were also looking at Chucky.  She had heard her family say things about Chucky many times, how he was a bad man and was very dangerous.

"Is this Chucky?" Ella asked, feeling a bit scared to admit what she thought.

Y/n nodded his head again. "Yes. And well he wasnt always a doll. He was a human before he got shot by the police. And well he transfered his soul into a good guy doll." Y/n said, gesturing to Chucky.

Ella thought about this as she took in what her father was saying. She had not known that Chucky had been a human before he became a doll. But that did explain how he could stand up and how he could speak like normal people.

"Why did they shoot him?" Ella asked as she tilted her head to the side slightly. "Was he naughty and they wanted to put him in jail?"

Y/n sighed. "Yeah he did something bad. But Ella, i need you to listen to what im about to say very carefully ok."

Ella nodded her head as she looked up at her father. She was used to him talking to her in this way, telling her to listen closely and that she needed to listen.

"Okay, daddy." Ella replied as she continued to stare at him.

Y/n sighed. "Me and Chucky are married. And i used to be a killer too." The omega paused as he glanced at Chucky before looking back at ella. "And i left Chucky and stopped killing because i found out i was pregnant with you. But chucky didnt know, he's your dad, Ella."

Ella looked up at her father as she processed the new information.  Her father and Chucky were married? That was a lot to accept. But what she found really shocking was the fact that her father had been a killer too?

The young girl thought for a few moments on what her father had just said before finally speaking up again.  "You used to be a killer?" She asked softly.

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