12) The Alliance of the Four Gods

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3rd Pov

One can see Four gods seated around a table, first was with striking red hair, he had a handsome face, and calm yet serious expression plastered on his face, a female fully cladded in armor stood behind him, the second one was a female, the only one in this group of gods, she had red hair tied in a single ponytail, and a mischievous grin on her face, a pallum stood behind her.

The third god had quite the peculiar look out of everyone present, with blonde hair and foxlike orange eyes, wearing a cap and an outfit of a cowboy, Lulune, a chientherope stood behind him, finally the last god who was unique as well, having striking blonde hair of medium length and rare emerald-colored eyes, a smile was visible on his place, as Filvis the Elf guarded him from behind.

" I guess it's time we begin the meeting! Don'tcha ya all think?", Loki said taking the lead, the gods nodded, though Hermes gave pitiful smile and said," It makes me feel scared sitting with all the big-shots, I mean you all have your strongest Familia member to accompany you, while I only have a Lulune*Sniff*", the Chientherope wanted to complain, but remained silent due to the presence of the other gods.

" Stop the jest Hermes, Loki... I ask of you, how can you think that Apollo isn't involved in the previous incidents, if anything else the girl behind him is enough of suspicion", Dionysius said, his eyes narrowed as he stared at the Mordred, however, the Knight remained calm despite being stared by a Divine, after all, she was no mere mortal either, even if not a god.

" C'mon, I have already reported you all the story, we shall began this meeting without wasting any time, I can't wait to destroy that pitiful group, they think that their pitiful scheme can take down the Orario huh? I wanna give 'em a reality check!", Loki said, as a smile formed on her face, causing Lulune and Filvis to flinch, they knew that Loki was out for blood.

' Fool ', thought Apollo as he looked at Loki, aware of what would happen without his intervention, he could tell that Loki was being over-confident, the pride of being the second strongest Familia in the world had clouded her judgement, one that resulted the death of her members, and failure of their attack at the Knossos.

" By the way, Apollo I must congratulate you for awakening a new divinity! To think the God of Light and Sun would awaken the Divinity of Darkness as his third major Arcanum, well I guess it was to be expected considering your personality", Hermes said in a sarcastic tone, not fond of Apollo for several reasons, whether because of his prestigious position in the Olympus, or because dozens of Goddesses fawning upon him, despite him being a creep.

" Is that so? I half considered that you were going to say this, what to say? I am handsome, popular, and God of Light and Sun, now that I might become a Great King of Gods, might cause some jealousy among the furnished gods of our pantheon", Apollo snickered,' Fuck off Rip-off Robinhood ', he thought, not wanting to have a battle of curses further with the sly fox-eyed god and waste his time.

Hermes spurted out his drink, not only him even Loki and Dionysius were surprised by his words. " Your Divinity hasn't stopped growing? ", Loki asked, and Apollo replied," Maybe your time in Genkai had affected the perception of your time, but usually it takes years to several hundreds of years for a new Arcanum to develop and consolidate, you don't expect it to take a mere weeks, right?"

Loki nodded, while Hermes coughed and looked away,' Damnit! Is this bastard's luck so good?! Obviously he is a creep!! A bigger pervert than me! Then why?! Why so many Goddesses are after him?! He even close with Artemis!! ', he thought, lamenting about the unfairness of the world, after shedding a few tears in silent, he said,"*Ahem*, I guess we should go with the focus of our meeting, Loki had already cleared the suspicions on Mordred, thus we should focus on our objective."

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