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While the boys were away Seraphina, Diane, and Elizabeth were out in the forest. "Gather up anything that looks edible. We can sort through them later." Diane tells the girls. "All right!" Elizabeth agrees. Seraphina and Elizabeth went together while Diane went a separate way. The girls look around for food and then spot a bunch of mushrooms. "How lovely!" Seraphina beams as she and Elizabeth go over to them. The girls kneel to pick the mushroom when a shadow is cast above them. They scream alerting Diane who rushes over. "What's the matter? Uh..." Diane spots the giant mushroom. "Ingredient found and captured!" Diane hits the top of the mushroom. The mushroom shoots spores at the girls, making them scream and cough.

Once the spores cleared Seraphina looked down at her bracelet and necklace, which were both now bigger than her. She then turns to Elizabeth and finds her looking at her earring. Diane screams and covers herself. The girls all look at each other and scream. "That little thing made us all shrink!" Diane shrieks.


That's what led to Seraphina and Elizabeth hearing everything that was going on outside but not being able to see anything as they were stuffed between Diane's breasts and covered by a ribbon and cloak. Seraphina and Elizabeth could hear King and Diane talking and King asks for Seraphina and Elizabeth. "We're here!" Seraphina shouts. "Hmm... huh?" King looks around confused. "We're right here!" Elizabeth also shouts. Diane blushes and walks closer to King and moves the ribbon away to show King Seraphina and Elizabeth between her breasts. "Shocking!" King shouts with his eyes bulging out of his skull. "No way. Is it really you two?" King asks. "Pervert!" Diane covers the girls and turns away from King. The boy gets a nosebleed and chuckles awkwardly. "No, no, no. I didn't mean to. Uh, anyway, we should tell the Captain!" King suggests.


Diane stood in the hut in front of Meliodas and King. "A giant mushroom?" Meliodas asks. "Mm-hmm." Diane hums. "It happened after you guys went into town, Elizabeth, Seraphina and I were gathering ingredients for dinner in the forest. And then..." Diane explains what happened. "I ended up having to borrow Elizabeth and Seraphina's outfits for the time being." Diane shares. "But we didn't have any clothes available that would fit us." Elizabeth adds. "Gotcha. So that's why you're jammed between her boobies." Meliodas says. "Don't put it like that." King tells Meliodas, holding his nose to stop the nosebleed. "It was likely an enringi mushroom variation of the Chicken Mantango. They're monsters that are timid by nature and rarely show themselves out in the wild. But whenever they do feel threatened, they release spores that shrink living things." King explains.

"Why didn't you say something from the beginning?" Meliodas asks Diane. "It's just..." Diane trails off and the males look at her confused. "I really wanted to surprise you, Captain!" She beams and jumps into Meliodas' arms. "No!" King screams in despair. Diane sighs, happily and wraps her arms around Meliodas' neck. "Being swallowed up in your arms is a dream come true!" She says, rubbing her cheek against Meliodas' cheek. "I've been jealous of Seraphina for so long now!" She confesses. "But you're the one who threw yourself at me." Meliodas points out. "Hey, get off him, Diane!" King tells her. "Oh, right! Put me down! Hurry up, hurry up!" Diane tells Meliodas. "Make up your mind." Meliodas says. King sighs relieved but it is short-lived as Diane lifts her skirt. "Have a look, Captain! Ready to get naughty?" Diane asks the blonde. King gets a nosebleed and faints.

"All the stuff that you do to Seraphina every day, you can do to me." Diane suggests. "Sorry but... It's not the same if you're told to do it." Meliodas crosses his arms and looks away. "Come on." Diane sighs. "Why does it only have to be with her? What am I to you anyway, Captain?" Diane asks. Seraphina listens to the conversation frowning. "What are you?" Meliodas repeats. "Uh, Diane." Elizabeth says, noticing Seraphina's frown. "I'm small... but that doesn't even matter to you." Diane drops her skirt and takes a few steps forward. "I always thought my size was the problem and that's why you never treat me like the other girls." She says, sadly. Meliodas puts a hand on her head, and she looks at him. "There, there." He pats her head. "No way I could do that to a valued comrade-in-arms, right? Hang in there." Meliodas says. Diane blushes and chuckles softly. "Sure." She chuckles again. "I'll try my best!" Seraphina sighs sadly. "Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing!" Diane says.

"What's that?" Meliodas asks. Diane chuckles and stuffs Meliodas' face between her breasts. "Since we're the same size now, you and I can make babies!" Diane tells him. "Were you listening to me at all?" Meliodas asks, tired of the entire situation. He gasps when he sees Seraphina and Elizabeth and the girls hide themselves. "You in here, King?" Ban asks, opening the door. He looks down and spots the fairy. "Is he dead or something?" He questions. "So, how's the match been going?" Meliodas asks, walking up to the taller man. "Well, there's not much to talk about. That middle-aged baldy is way too weak." Ban replies.


"Come on, now stop being stubborn and throw in the towel, will you?" Howzer advises. "No, it's not over!" Taizoo insists. "That's a problem. See, I'm not like Griamore. I really didn't wanna use this on a civilian. But I'd hate to be cruel to you by not getting this over with quickly!" Howzer says as a tornado manifests on his hand. "Say goodnight!" Taizoo shouts, rushing at Howzer. "You put up a good fight, buddy." Howzer tells him, blowing him away with a tornado, and the crowd cheers. "Howzer wins!" Love Helm announces. "Yeah!" Howzer cheers and poses. "Nice one. He's pretty good." Meliodas compliments. "He sure is." Ban agrees. "Next up is our third match, Cain vs Old Fart!" Love Helm shouts. My turn, huh?" King says. "Who in their right mind would come up with a totally tasteless name like that?" Diane asks. "It was me." Ban tells her.

"Why am I not surprised?" Diane questions. "Hey, come on. You gave yourself a pretty weird name too. Where did Matrona come from?" Ban asks her. "Actually, it's someone I used to know." Diane replies. "I'll hold Chastiefol for you." Meliodas offers. King sighs and hands him the pillow before walking onto the ring. "Go, Old Fart. Get 'em!" Meliodas cheers him on. "Ki... Old Fart, go!" Diane also cheers. King transforms into his human form and gives them a thumbs up. "If that's his game face, guess it makes sense." Ban comments. "This is a perfect pillow." Meliodas mumbles, squeezing Chastiefol. "Standing five feet five inches tall and weighing five Old Fart!" Love Helm announces. "Standing five feet one inch tall and weighing 108 pounds, Cain!"

The old man stumbles and nearly falls, causing someone to ask if he's sure he isn't drunk. "Can we even call this fight?" Love Helm wonders. "All right, let the fight begin!" Love Helm shouts. "I can't believe King's fighting without a weapon! I've never seen him do that." Diane says. "Guess it's twice for me now. It's really something to see." Meliodas tells her. "It's that mind-blowing?" Diane asks. "Yeah, cause without his weapons..." King charges at Cain and tries to punch him, only to trip on a rock and fall. "...King's super weak!" Meliodas shares as the crowd laughs. Cain lightly punches King on the head. "Man, he's tough!" King claims. "What a letdown! This battle is the opposite of epic." Love Helm says.

"I saw him fight a cat that swiped his snack from him once, and he lost." Meliodas shares. King takes a few steps back, glaring at Cain, who chuckles. "Well, give up?" Cain asks. King raises his hand, pointing it at Cain, trying to do something. Cain hits King in the face, throwing him out of the ring. "Old Fart's out of the ring. Cain wins!" Love Helm announces. Meliodas catches King with his pillow. "Sorry, you kind of caught me by surprise for a second." Cain apologizes. "That was so mean. All I was trying to do was use my Disaster power to make his rheumatism a little worse!" King claims. "Next up is the last match in this round of the finals! It's Baan versus Meliodasfu!" Love Helm announces. Meliodas and Ban go up to the ring. "Hold on, having a weapon's against the rules." Love Helm reminds Meliodas.

"Oh, this thing?" Meliodas asks, pulling his broken sword from its sheathe. "It's only for show." Meliodas tells him. "Oh, in that case, I'll allow it." Love Helm agrees. "Standing five feet tall and weighing 110 pounds, Meliodafu!" Meliodas stretches while everyone cheers. "Standing six feet eleven inches and weighing 170 pounds, Baan!" The referee announces, causing the crowd to cheer louder. "It's about time, huh? Guess we should get down to it." Ban voices. "Then let's go." Meliodas replies, cracking his knuckles.

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