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"Matrona has started things off with a ferocious preemptive strike!" Love Helm shouts. "I'm not gonna let you get away with any of your excuses today!" Diane yells, punching the air in front of Meliodas, who is now kneeling. "Look, those girls have the wrong guy. I don't remember them at all, okay?" Meliodas tries explaining. "That's enough out of you!" Diane shouts, punching Meliodas, who dodges. "This might get ugly if I don't fight for real!" Meliodas says, getting into a fighting stance. They go back and forth for a while, destroying the ring even more. Diane knees Meliodas in the stomach, and Meliodas retaliates by punching her in the head. "You're such a jerk, Captain!" Diane shouts punching the blonde who blocks the attack. They suddenly stop fighting and stand still. "What's going on?" A man asks. "Is it over?" Another asks.

 "Don't leave us hanging!" A third shouts. "Start fighting!" A fourth guy shouts. "Did those two strain themselves so hard, they peed their pants or something?" Hawk asks. Ban and King join the Sins in the arena with the fairy now in his human form. "What's the matter?" Elizabeth asks. "What are you doing?" Seraphina asks. "My real identity is Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. I'm Meliodas, the Dragon Sin!" Meliodas shares, causing everyone to gasp. "We're taking over Vaizel, everything here belongs to us now!" Meliodas informs. "Hold on? What? Why'd that idiot tell them who he really is? Do any of you know what's going on?" Hawk asks the girls who are on his back. "No, I have no idea." Seraphina shakes her head. "I'm giving you less than one minute to clear out of this town! Understand! If you don't, we're gonna kill you all!" The blonde shouts, raising his hand in the air. 

"You're not fooling anyone, you brat!" A man shouts. "What he said, you don't look a thing like 'em!" Another joins in. "Wait, given how strong they are it might just be true..." Someone else says. 'What's gotten into them?' Seraphina asks herself. "Get the hell out of here!" Meliodas yells, scaring everyone. "Hey, what's that?" A man points to the sky, seeing fireballs heading right for them. The fireballs hit the village, and one was headed right for the ring, but Meliodas deflects it with 'Full Counter'. "Damn, they're here already?" Meliodas questions. "That equipment is sacred treasure class." King points out. "It sure is. I bet Guila's gotten a lot stronger than she was in the Necropolis." Meliodas agrees. "And what's worse is there's three this time. Let's split up for now." Meliodas tells them.


Hawk ran through down a path with Seraphina and Elizabeth on his back. "Even if I end up as roast pork, or a pork kebab, even if there's nothing left of me but my trotters, I'll still make sure to protect you, Elizabeth! Seraphina!" Hawk tells the two. "Wait, did you hear something?" Hawk asks, coming to a stop. "It's sir Meliodas and sir Ban!" Elizabeth shouts, seeing the two hit each other in mid-air before falling. "Oh no." Seraphina gasps. King goes over to check on them but is attacked by Guila's fireball, however, he uses Chastiefol's fifth configuration to protect him. Jericho slices through the daggers, but King smacks her into the ground with Chatiefol's spear form. Guila tries attacking King again, but Chastiefol's daggers are thrown at her and Jericho. King stretches and looks down, seeing the two knights defeated.

"Amazing work, Sir King!" Seraphina praises him as Hawk approaches the other two sins. "They're not dead yet, though. And I've got a couple of questions for these ladies, so look after those two, okay?" King instructs. "Just leave them to me!" The pig grabs the sins by the collars, dragging them with him. "Please try and be safe, Sir King." Elizabeth whispers.


Hawk got to a lone building with a wall and set down the Sins, panting. Elizabeth and Seraphina climbed off his back and went over to Meliodas. Elizabeth prayed and Seraphina stared at Meliodas remembering Cain's words. 'Destroy the home of the woman that you loved. He also called me Princess Seraphina like in that memory and he said Meliodas is still protecting me after all these years. Danafall, the kingdom I was the princess of. Does that mean Meliodas was once a knight of Danafall and he was always around to protect me? And he...' Seraphina sighs and looks down. "What's on your mind?" Hawk asks the girl. "I'm just thinking about what Cain said." Seraphina replies as she and Elizabeth grow a little. "Huh?" Hawk wipes his eye with his ear. "I'm not sure but I think you're both getting bigger." Hawk says.

"Huh?" They both look at the pig and grow again. Hawk explains, shocked, and jumps back. Seraphina gasps as she and Elizabeth both grow to their original size. "Oh no! My body's returning to its normal size!" The younger woman shrieks. The girls cover themselves with their hands and the ribbon. "Ellie?" A new voice says. "Huh?" Seraphina looks up and spots a purple-haired girl accompanied by a knight. "And... Ellie?" The girl says confused. Seraphina blushes embarrassed and snaps her fingers and the clothing she wore before meeting Meliodas appears on her in a flash of light. "Uh..." Elizabeth looks at Seraphina amazed. "Veronica? Big Sister?" Elizabeth notices the girl from over Seraphina's shoulder. "Big Sister?" Hawk questions covering his eyes with his ears.

Veronica came over and gave Elizabeth her jacket and shoes to wear. "Thank you for lending me this, Veronica. It's cute, but downstairs, it's kind of breezy." Elizabeth tells her sister. Seraphina feels something on her neck and looks down seeing her necklace. "What the?" She questions but dismisses it. "Did you really think I was done, stupid?" Veronica asks her sister gaining Seraphina's attention. "Serious;y, how worried were you planning to make me anyway? This is way different from that time you snuck out of the castle to play on your own back when we were kids! And even back then, you made everybody panic when the bridge collapsed!" She chastises her sister. "I'm sorry." Elizabeth apologizes. "On top of that, rumor has it you're hunting down Holy Knights with the Seven Deadly Sins and some woman who looks just like you!" Veronica adds.

"I uh... I have a name and it's Seraphina." The white-haired girl tells her. Veronica stares at her for a second and sighs. "Look at right now, you're here with the Seven Deadly Sins, aren't you? They're the ones who tried to overthrow the entire Kingdom of Liones!" Veronica says. "That's not true at all. They'd never do that." Seraphina chimes in looking at Meliodas. "And Meliodas is the worst of all! He's really a monster, one that brings destruction to everything around him!" Veronica shouts. Seraphina looks down remembering the times Meliodas had the black crest on his forehead. "See? Even Seraphina's having doubts!" Veronica claims, pointing to the woman. Elizabeth looks at the woman who shakes her head. "Meliodas isn't like that, he'd never do something that horrible!" Seraphina tells the princess. "I've had enough. There's no point in standing here and talking about this." Veronica closes her eyes. "We're going home!" She grabs Elizabeth's wrist to pull her away.

"No! Let go of me!" Elizabeth shouts, trying to pull away. Seraphina grabs Veronica's wrist causing the princess to turn to her. "That's not going to happen." She says. Veronica rips her hand away and Seraphina stands in front of Elizabeth. "Stay out of this! It's family busin--" Veronica raises a hand to push Seraphina out of the way but a hand slaps her making her stumble into her knight. Meliodas stands in front of the girls protectively. "I'm gonna protect them." He says. "Meliodas?" Seraphina grabs his shoulders. "Even if I die trying!" Meliodas says to Veronica and a certain someone who wasn't present. Elizabeth lays her head on Seraphina's back, crying. "It's exactly like Hendrickson said. He told us you've brainwashed her somehow and it looks like she wasn't your only victim." Veronica accuses. She removes the necklace and holds it out. "Rosco, Basla, Melcito." The gem on the necklace glows. Meliodas gasps and is sucked into it, leaving nothing but his sword behind.

"Where'd he go?" Seraphina asks. "What happened?" Elizabeth also asks. "He got sucked into that rock!" Hawk tells them. Veronica holds up the necklace laughing. "Meliodas really was some wicked monster, after all! This stone's power only affects those who are evil, trapping them inside! Proof enough? Will this open your eyes?" Veronica holds the necklace out for her sister to see. Seraphina grabs Meliodas' sword and Elizabeth snatches the necklace from Veronica. "I want you to bring him back right now!" Seraphina shouts, pointing the sword at the girl. "Sorry, I have no idea how to do that." Veronica tells her. Seraphina gasps and looks back at the necklace. "I hate you for this, Veronica! You don't know Sir Meliodas! Not a single thing about him!" Elizabeth shouts. "Griamore." Veronica addresses her knight. "As you wish." He replies. Seraphina backs up into Elizabeth once Griamore points his sword at them. The girls gasped when a sphere appeared around them.

"Perfect Shell! You leave us no choice. Now we'll bring you back this way." Griamore tells Elizabeth. "Wait, I'm not even related to you. Let me out!" Seraphina demands. "Sorry, no can do. If we let you out we let Ellie out." Veronica shrugs. "This is nothing! I bet my trotters can bust right through your bubble with no problem at all!" Hawk claims, kicking the bubble. "Hawk, wait!" Elizabeth tries to stop him. "Not even the meteors that fall down to earth are able to destroy my wall." Griamore explains. Hawk eventually stops, now tired. "If that's how it is, I guess I'll just have to break this with one arm." Ban says. Everyone looks at him, seeing him holding Veronica hostage with a hand pointed at her neck. "On second thought, maybe just one finger can slice through it." He says. 

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