Chapters 201-210

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201 Relief

''Sweet, you should be happy that he's not dead, I could not even bring myself to scream at him, do you know how it felt knowing that your friend who you thought was dead was not dead after all? Would you even raise your voice the slightest? At that moment, I wished he was here so I could hug him so tight and after that punch him hard in the guts for making us worry so much.''

Xin Yong watched him for a few seconds then all of a sudden smiled brightly.

''Oh my God! He's not dead, he's not dead. Liu Wei's not dead. Where is he now? Where is he?''

Jin Yue was surprised at her sudden change of behavior. It was as though she was just realizing that he did not die after all.

''Well, as of now, he's in America but he said he's coming back to China now. It seems that his phone was switched off while he was on the plane.''

''Aish! So my baby fainted for nothing. Liu Wei would pay for this when he gets here. I just pray she wakes up soon.''

Xin Yong sighed and went to sit beside her friend, whose eyes were still tightly shut. She looked at the drip back which was still half full and sighed. Her friend had gone through a lot; she could not imagine her in pains again.

''Liling, you have to wake up now... Liu Wei, Liu Wei is alive, he's alive and he's coming back for you. Wake up so we can go pick him up at the airport together. Please...''

Xin Yong drew closer to her and whispered in her ears. She was not sure if Liling could hear her, but she wanted to try her luck. She sighed and sat back on her seat as she watched her friend. It was already past 11 in the night but she was not feeling a bit sleepy. Jin Yue came to stand behind her and pecked her lightly on the cheeks.

''She'll be alright, everything would be alright.''

''Yeah, it will.''

They stayed there quietly watching the figure that was lying motionlessly on the bed. The only thing that showed that she was alive was the heaving of her chest.

Jin Yue remembered the woman who had called him earlier and immediately took out his phone. He tapped on his phone icon and dialed her number.

Da Xia was lying helplessly on her bed, her hair was gumming to her face since she had cried so much. She was weak but her tears could not stop flowing. She heard her phone ringing but she did not have the strength to pick it. She reluctantly picked up the phone on the fourth ring only to sit up immediately on the bed, seeing the person who was calling.

She cleared her throat properly and took in a deep breath before answering the call.


''Miss, Liu Wei just called now, it appears he was not in the crash. He said that an emergency came up so he had to fly to America, but for some personal issues he would be on his way back to China today, please do communicate this information to his father.''

''You mean, he was not in the plane crash?''


''He's okay, and he's coming back today?''

Jin Yue was surprised by the question but he still replied her.


''Oh my God! Thank you so much, Thank you...''

Da Xia, at this point realized that she was carried away and did not speak like a secretary, she quickly coughed and replied professionally.

''...Mr. Fang... he's been so worried, he almost got a heart attack, we had to call his personal doctor to come attend to him. It's good to hear that his son was not involved in the crash, else we would not know what to do.''

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