Chapters 331-339 (End)

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331 You've wanted what was never yours

''Where is your phone? ''

He asked as he stood up from the bed;

''I think I left it inside my bag '' Liling thought for a moment before replying; she wondered what he was going to do with her phone;

Liu Wei walked to a couch in the room and opened her bag, he took out her phone, picking up his own from the table; he called someone.

'Liling watched him for a moment before standing up from the bed and walking to him;

He talked with the person for a moment before turning to Liling;

''You would have to call Yan Ran now? ''

''What? ''

Her eyes widened at his statement, why did she have to call her?

''Trust me, sunshine; just call her and keep her on the line for at least thirty seconds. ''

She nodded and took the phone from him, at that moment she had done the best she could do and she trusted his every move, without an iota of doubt; taking her phone from him, she called Yan Ran.

It rang for a few seconds before she answered;

''Well, well, well, you finally called; I've been waiting for your call for so long. ''

Liling breathed in; ''How long do you intend keeping my father hostage? ''

She asked with a sober voice;

Yan Ran laughed; ''Truthfully, I'm even tired, I would still release him but it will still take some time, I need to be sure that Liu Wei wants nothing to do with you anymore, or you can openly tell the media that you guys are no longer together, that would be a lot faster.''

Liu Wei heard all that she said since it was on loud speaker; from her words, it was clear that she didn't know that she was with him;

''Is that what you want? ''

Liling asked;

''What else do I want? I just need you out of his life forever!''

She screamed over the phone like some maniac; Liling was quiet; as though thinking about her offer;

''Fine, I'll arrange an interview tomorrow. ''

''Now you're talking! Call me when you've finished with the interview. ''

''Okay. ''

Liling replied and ended the call;

''Was that okay? ''

She asked and he nodded; he dialed the person's number again;

''Did you get the location?''...

''Okay, start moving, I'll be coming after you. ''

''What? Have you found them?''

Liling asked; her eyes bright; she was surprised that everything was solved with just one phone call and she had wasted her tears and caused him pain for nothing!

''Yes, they've been staying at Hills Inn all the while; the place is very deserted, I now know why they were able to hide from my men. I'll be going there now, stay here. ''

''No! I want to follow you. ''

She said immediately and Liu Wei shook his head; ''No, it's dangerous; I can't risk you getting hurt. ''

''Please, I want to go; I'll not come near, in fact I'll stay in the car, please!''

''Uh? '' Liling remembered that she had not taken her bath;

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