Chapter 57

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Time skips, next morning

Eunwoo stirred in his sleep when felt sunlight falling on his eyes. He covered his eyes and groaned a little and tried to move to his right but couldn't because there was something heavy on his left side. He looked to his left and found Jungkook sleeping on his left arm with his head on his chest and a cute pout forming on his lips . A smiled formed on Eunwoo's lips when he saw Jungkook so close to himself, sleeping in his arms.

Then he softly caressed his hair ensuring not to disturb his sleep. Jungkook moved a little but didn't woke up. Eunwoo sighed and looked at the side table and picked up his phone and checked the time. It was early morning, just 6 am.

He put his phone back and looked at Jungkook with soft eyes and then pecked on his forehead and mumbled, "I love you Kook." Then he hugged Jungkook more closer to himself and closed his eyes again, not wanting to leave Jungkook alone.

After some time, Jungkook opened his eyes and rubbed them a little, still feeling sleepy. Just then, he realised that he was sleeping all over Eunwoo. He looked up a little and saw Eunwoo face and found him sleeping peacefully. Well, maybe Eunwoo was not actually sleeping but was just pretending to sleep. Jungkook smiled while staring at Eunwoo. Then his left hand automatically reached towards Eunwoo's face. He slowly traced Eunwoo's nose bridge with his forefinger, then his lips and then his finger travelled towards his neck.

His finger found its way to the other's adams apple. His fingers traced Eunwoo's adams apple and unknowingly, Jungkook mumbled, "You are so hot and handsome. Why I never saw you like that before?"

Just then Jungkook flinched due to the sudden voice. It was none other than Eunwoo's voice who finally decided not to pretend more or maybe he just couldn't, because Jungkook's single finger was doing things to him. He doesn't wanted to get hard in the morning and then jerking himself off in the bathroom. So, he spoke after listening to Jungkook's mumbling, "Really?"

Jungkook abruptly stood up and sat straight and said, "W-what?" Eunwoo also sat down and looked at Jungkook teasingly and said, "I heard everything." Jungkook's eyes widened and he looked away while blushing and said, "I... I d-didn't said a-anything." Eunwoo scooted a little closer to Jungkook and made him look at himself and said, "I clearly heard you calling me hot and handsome."

Jungkook swatted his hand away and said while acting a bit angry, "So... y-you were not sleeping actually, huh? Were you pretending?" Eunwoo scratched his nape and said, "That.... actually that's because I woke up a little earlier than you and you were sleeping so peacefully in my arms. I got a little lost while admiring you. And then you were waking up, so I don't know why but I quickly closed my eyes pretending to sleep."

He said everything a single breathe making Jungkook chuckle. Eunwoo also laughed awkwardly. Jungkook then caressed Eunwoo's left shoulder and arm and asked while massaging it a little, "Isn't your arm hurting? I was sleeping over your left side full night." Eunwoo spoke while admiring Jungkook, "If it means getting attention in the morning from your like this, then it was fine."

Jungkook looked at Eunwoo and said in a low tone, "Are you crazy?" Then suddenly Eunwoo leaned towards Jungkook and pecked his lips and said, "Of course I am... but just for you." Jungkook blushed and giggled after hearing Eunwoo. Jungkook's giggle was like music to Eunwoo's ears. He smiled while looking at the love of his life.

Then Jungkook asked pulling him out of his thoughts, "Where are you lost? Tell me... is your arm paining?" Eunwoo shook his head and said, "Its not paining. Why will it pain? I am all fine." "I am not that light weight. I was literally sleeping all over you", said Jungkook looking a bit worried. Eunwoo sighed and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist and said while looking into his eyes, "I can pick you up very easily. You know that right?"

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