29: punishment from Daddy Dearest

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"What?" Colton didn't understand what the man just said.

"You are off the team," he repeated with a grimace. "I heard you the first time but why would you say that?"

"That's because it's true. As much as I don't want it to be." He muttered the last part.

"Why? What have I done? I have come to every practice and I have made everything games, so why will you kick me off the team?" Colton couldn't believe his ears, his heart pounded and the anxiety heightened.

"I am sorry Colton there is nothing I can do about it. The principal called me this morning and told me to inform you that you are off the team."

Colton's mouth opened, principal Electra didn't usually interfere with business like this, especially not with someone making one of the highest donations to Bellrich. Electra only cares about what the board would say about the school's direction, she would never do anything to upset them. So that meant that someone must have commanded her to do it. Someone powerful enough, Someone like his father.

He clenched his jaw and needed to punch something or someone, preferably his father's face. He couldn't believe that his father would do such a thing. He stood to his feet, trying to keep his temper in check, fury rolled off him and he knew he just needed air. He started to feel congested in the small office and wanted to get out.

"Thank you," he gritted out and turned to the door. "Colton?" Colton stopped and turned back to him. "I tried to appeal for you but nothing, I am sorry but there is nothing I can do."

"It... It's no problem, I will come back," he said with determination in his voice, opened the door to the office and matched out. He didn't pay Michelle attention, he had other priorities, like trying to stop himself from murdering his asshole of a father.

It was on brand for his father to take something he liked away from him, he knew that Colton had a fortune in his name, so he hit him where he could beat, sport. Colton loved football, he had been playing ever since he could remember. It gave him this rush of adrenaline and dopamine that nothing else really good. His father knew that and took it away and he was sure it was because of what happened that morning.

He didn't care, he wasn't going to be blackmailed into being nice to that witch, his father was keeping the woman who killed his sister and he would never pretend that he liked her ni matter what. That would be betraying his mother and sister.

"Hey, man?" Pedro walked toward him. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Colton's expression. "what's wrong?"

Colton clenched his jaw, "I was kicked off the team," he didn't realize that he was panting, his eyes settled on a flower pot nearby. It was very rare for Colton to lose his temper, he was always very chilled and level-headed, at least he tried to be. How could he stay calm when he had just been kicked off the team when they were going to start playing in three weeks? Is that not unfair to him?

"Kicked off which team?" Pedro asked, making Colton look up and glare at him, he didn't like that Pedro was acting dumb. "what other fucking team is there? Coach called me and told me I am off the team." Colton sneered.

"Is that even possible? You are our best striker? That would be a huge loss for Bellrich and they know it. Did you do something?"

"No, I didn't do anything! Well, not to the school." He murmured the last part.

Pedro frowned, "your father." He deducted. Colton nodded, Pedro sighed and pushed his hands into his curls.

"That's messed up man," Pedro commented. There was nothing he could do, he would have to ask his father. Something they knew Colton hated very much.

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