Why didnt you just tell the truth?

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Someone asked you why we weren't friends anymore and you replied saying we just drifted apart after the new year. why didn't you just tell the god damn truth I'm so sick of you not saying. why didn't you tell them how you just broke off everything and all the memories of our friendship, why didn't you tell them that you were the one that didn't want to be friends anymore, how you disconnected me from your whole life.

I know I shouldn't but miss it, I miss you. I miss how people would talk behind your back and I was the one to speak up about it saying it was wrong. I miss how you'd randomly just tell me how your day went, is listen when you'd rant off or ramble how great everything went. I miss when you'd just pull out your phone and ask me to take a selfie. I miss when people ask us if we were dating and I'd have to force my hand up to you're mouth before saying that we were but we weren't. I miss our slow dances we'd randomly have or how you'd text me in the middle of the night to talk about how hard it is to be a guy. id miss our FaceTimes and phone calls, how you'd always say you'd miss me and asks if you could come over at three in the morning to just sleep on my bed because you always thought you're were made of rocks.

I miss everything about you. you had dark brown eyes, like me, no one payed attention but I did, they'd lighten with your mood and then they'd go dark with sadness. you'd punch a wall when your angry and run off in stead of tell at me because you always told me how you never wanted me to be sad. I'd tease you about your awkward crushed and your weird obsessions.

Today I still wonder why you had to lie, why did you have to lie about how great of a friendship we'd have? Why did you have to lie about how you never wanted to talk to me or see me again of something I was completely oblivious about.

I'd pass you around the halls and you don't even dare to even spare a glance in my direction.

I've heard you made new friends

And I hope they treat you as well as I did

I still miss you and think about you every now and then.

till then.


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