Im just so tired

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My heart physically hurts.

3 jobs and school is stressing me out.

My parents screaming at each other all the damn time kills me.

This stupid bunk bed makes me feel so claustrophobic I hit my head on it every morning.

My bosses stress me out.

The fact that I have a legal name I've never been called before confuses me.

The fact that my mom picks on me all the time gets me so stressed.

People makes me stress.

My friends make me stress.

My own bedsheet make me stressed.

My own hair gets me stressed.

The fact that I haven't touched my guitar in months make me sad.

The fact that my dad was stupid enough to buy me a broken drawer makes me stress.

The fact that my clothes are all on the ground make me stress.

The food my sister is throwing in my room make me stress.

My dog ripping up my garbage everyday is slowly piling out make me stress.

My untouched novels and books are in the corner make me stress.

The fact that I can't walk my own dogs without them breaking my hand makes me stress.

I'm so tired.

I just need to cry,

But I'm too stupid, i pretend that I'm okay all the time when I'm not. I make myself believe I don't need to cry when I just need to let everything out.

I'm just so stressed

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