Cultural Misunderstandings

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"Why did you bring me out here Vikk?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I really like you Lachlan"

"Aww, you're making me blush Vikk but you should really pick your words better. If anybody else had heard you they'd think you were confessing to me" As soon as Lachlan said those words Vikk's head fell down.


"Come on raise your head... Please don't tell me this was actually a confession!" Slowly Vikk raised his head and pushed Lachlan down on the floor.

"Vikk what the hell!?"

When he looks up Vikk has a giant smile on his face and says, "That's what you get for ruining the moment! Here I was trying to tell you you're my best friend and you have to ruin it." After saying this Vikk grabs Lachlan's hand and picks him up. As soon as he gets up Lachlan starts dusting off and he glares at Vikk. When Vikk sees Lachlan's glare his smile gets even bigger seeing that Lachlan's glare softens and he begins to smile.

"Sorry Vikk it was the cultural difference"

"I didn't think that Australia was that different from the United Kingdom!"

"That's... not exactly what I meant Vikk"

"Shut the hell up. Come on let me walk you back to your hotel." With that Vikk and Lachlan start walking out of the park in the direction of Lachlan's hotel. During their walk they talked about how well Minecon was going and any new series that they could start. After ten minutes they reach the hotel. As they walk inside they hear Ethan's laugh coming from the bar. After hearing this Lachlan turns to Vikk and stares at him. Vikk looks away and starts heading towards the noises. Lachlan didn't follow Vikk due to the fact that he was deep in thought. "Lachlan let's go sit with the guys! If we don't they might start thinking we're planning something!" with that Vikk rushed ahead and sat next to Josh. That broke Lachlan's train of thought and he went to sit next to Rob, but he kept repeating the same thought that was bugging him I swear Vikk's eyes were glistening. As the night kept going Lachlan kept trying to sneak glances at Vikk to see if he was okay. However, judging from the fact that Vikk was currently glaring at him it seemed that he wasn't doing a good job of hiding it. Vikk opened his mouth to say something when suddenly Vikk's phone rang.

Vikk immediately got up and ran to the men's room. When he did that Lachlan noticed that Josh wasn't at the table either. For a while the table sat in silence until Simon got a call from Vikk.

"Vikk where the hell did you guys go?"

"Sorry Simon but Josh threw up so I'm here dealing with the mess"

"Why? The idiot didn't even drink!"
"I'm not an idiot you mongoloid. It's the mixture of all the food smells"

"Since when were you such a priss Josh"

"Shut up Simon I'm not in the mood I just threw up and I want to go home"

"Well I'm not taking you"

"Don't worry Simon I'll take Josh home"

"Thanks Vikk put him to bed and remember you're not a doctor so don't try to give him any medicine!"

With that Simon ended the call and told the rest of the group that Vikk and Josh were leaving.


Hey guys this is my first story so I hope that you guys like it!

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