Backyards Weren't Meant for All this Drama

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Italics - Simon's thoughts

Simon was woken up from his dreamless sleep by the sound of chirping birds. Normally Simon would spend at least 20 minutes rolling around in his bed before he actually got up but today was a special day so he got up as fast as he could. He immediately went into the bathroom to get ready. Once he was done he was halfway down the stairs when something compelled him to turn back around. Once he got back into his room Simon headed towards the drawer where he kept his colognes. He reached in and pulled out a bottle of Burberry Brit as he sprayed it on a small voice in his head whispered, "Isn't this the cologne that Josh asked for the name of because he loved how it smelled?" Choosing to ignore that little voice Simon left his room and headed to the backyard. Once he got there he texted Josh to meet him outside. Just as Simon was about to start formulating a plan on how to talk to Josh he heard, "So why are we meeting outside?"

"Because it's a nice day Josh and I get tired of being stuck inside my room making videos."

"It's freezing out here Simon" Simon was about to tell Josh that it wasn't that cold when he noticed that Josh had come out in his pajamas. 

"Well go get dressed you idiot I'll wait"

"Nah, that's okay you seem like you have something to get off your chest and I know you well enough to know that if I leave now you'll chicken out and let it stew for longer. So might as well save both of us headaches later on and talk right now"

Josh's made Simon scoff and say, "You seem to think you know me extremely well for someone who spends most of his time either in his room or with his girlfriend."

Josh just shrugged and said, "Hey I notice a lot of things plus you and Vikk aren't exactly very good at hiding your feelings. In fact I bet that I can guess what this little meeting is about."

Simon felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest at that statement. Could Josh already know his plan? He quickly began to try and think of a way to get out of the conversation. 

Seeing his discomfort a small grin appeared on Josh's face and he closed the distance between him and Simon until they were close enough that Josh's toes touched Simon's shoes (He's barefoot  but he's never barefoot he must have just gotten up) Josh then whispered, "It's about Vikk overworking himself right? I've tried to talk to him but he just won't listen. I think it has to do with him trying to show not only his family but also himself that he can be successful even after he chose an alternative path. All we can do now is support him and be prepared to help him when it finally becomes to much for him." Once Josh said his piece he looked at Simon with that same grin on his face clearly expecting Simon to be amazed at his deduction. It quickly fell when instead of being shocked Simon began to laugh. While backing up Josh mumbled, "So I guess I wasn't right then?"

"Not at all. I heard you and Vikk talking yesterday night."

Simon could tell that his words had unnerved Josh from the fact that he began to fidget and his posture became far more defensive. "R...really? So you heard about Lachlan then. Unfortunately our little Vikk was rejected. Last night he was handling it very well but I'm worried about him." Although Josh tried to sound just as confident as he had just been Simon could hear the stutters and where his voice started to break from nervousness.

To Simon this proved that once again he had the upper hand in the conversation. So he stood up straight and  he told Josh, "Yeah I heard that but I'm more worried about the fact that you said you had a crush on me. How will this change our relationship Josh? How could this happen? Are you gay? What about your girlfriend?" Simon had been so focused on what he had said that it wasn't until he finished that he looked to see how Josh had taken the information. Josh was mess: his eyes darted back and forth, he was openly shaking, and his mouth was moving as if he was trying to say something but no sound came out. After seeing this Simon sighed and said, "Look Josh I'm sorry I sprung this on you, but it's out in the open now. Come and see me when you're ready to talk." With this Simon moved to enter the house when suddenly a hand reached out and pulled his arm back. 

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