Secrets, Tears, and Moscato

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As soon as Vikk got home Josh got out of the car and ran into his room with Vikk following him, however, before Vikk could enter the room Josh turned around and made a motion for Vikk to wait there Josh then closed the door to his room for a couple of seconds. Then he peeked his head out and handed Vikk a bag saying, "Throw these into the wash and when you're done doing that come back to my room". This threw Vikk for a loop but he figured that it would be best if he didn't argue with Josh. So off he went to put the clothes in the washing machine and as soon as he got back to Josh's room he was hit with the smell of alcohol.

Inside the room Josh was sitting in his bed with a bottle of alcohol in one hand and two Champagne flutes on the other. When Vikk came in Josh patted his video chair with his foot too hint Vikk to sit. Josh then started pouring the alcohol into the flutes and he offered Vikk one.
"No thanks I'm not thirsty"
"Why do I care if you're thirsty? I didn't offer you water."
"Why do you say you don't watch Game of Thrones?"
"Because I don't?"
"Oh... It's just that what you said sounded like a line from the..."
Vikk didn't finish his sentence because he could see that Josh was staring at him like he was an idiot, so instead Vikk took the glass and sat in the chair.
"So are you going to tell me why you looked like you were going to start bawling at dinner now or do I have to wait until I get more drink in you?"
With a small smile Vikk said, "It's going to take more than just the bottle in your hand".
"Oh don't you worry I have way more where this came from".

=Time Skip=======================

Simon walked into the house two hours later. As he was walking to his room he he heard sobs coming from Josh's room. When he was going to open the door he heard Vikk's voice:
"So I finally work up the courage to tell that idiot how I feel and he doesn't even give me the courtesy of letting me finish."
"Wait... He??? Vikk is there something I need to know"
"Urgh fine I'm gay okay! Are you going to make a big deal about it?"
"No, I'm just asking"
"Well anyway so that's why I was crying. Stupid Lachlan rejected me!"
"Oh Vikk come here. Vikk you..."
"Josh I swear that if the next thing out of your mouth is a stupid cliche I'll leave."
"It'll be okay Vikk"
"No it won't Josh I could've ruined my youtube career!"
"Vikk you'll be fine I doubt that being gay would ruin your career, but if he tries anything I'll back you up."
"That won't really help if I don't have anyone to play minecraft"
"Hell I'll play with you I've played before"
"You really will Josh?"
"On one condition Vikk."
"You let me tell you the cliche I was going to tell you earlier."
"At least now you know that it won't happen with Lachlan so you can move on. It's better than wondering if it could've been."
"That's fucking easy for you to say! You already have the love of your life."
"I'm not talking about my girlfriend I love someone else."
When Simon heard Josh say that he immediately backed away from the door. All he could do is run into his room and start getting ready for bed as if he hadn't heard anything. It wasn't until he got into bed that he finally processed what he had heard and he was furious. How dare Josh say that he loved him while he was still with his girlfriend. He decided to go and tell Josh to get his act together. However, when he got to the room Josh and Vikk were passed out on the floor. So Simon went back to his room determined to deal with it in thw morning. If he had only stopped to see himself in the mirror in his room he would've noticed the blush and the stupid smile that he's had on his face since he heard the news.

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