When You Give a Josh A Kiss

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Italics - Josh's Thoughts

Josh didn't know what to do. Simon had started the conversation basically telling him that his crush was a problem, but in the end Simon had kissed him. All that Josh could think was Does Simon feel something for me? He wouldn't dare say his thoughts aloud though. If he was wrong it could destroy their friendship. Instead he would wait for Simon to explain himself before he would even speak. It didn't take long for Simon to speak, "Josh are you okay?"

Josh shrugged, scratched his beard and told Simon, "Yeah I'm fine" Simon narrowed his eyes and he said"Is that all you're going to say".

"I don't know what to say Simon you kissed me if anything I should be asking you to explain yourself." For the next few minutes all you could hear was the rustling of the wind. 

Finally Simon said, "Well I was just giving you what you wanted." Josh's heart started beating louder after he heard those words. His heart wanted to believe that this was Simon's way of confessing his love but his brain warned him against getting too excited. Josh needed more information than that so he decided to ask a question "And what is it that I wanted?".

"A kiss. That way you can stop daydreaming about it plus you said that you would make do with a kiss." Josh didn't know what pissed him off more Simon's answer or that he even entertained the idea that Simon would like him back. He was about to go off on Simon when he decided against it. Josh guessed that this was Simon's way of trying to resolve the situation. He was only doing what Josh had said in hopes of fixing their friendship. Josh had to make a choice did he tell Simon the truth or did he pretend that the kiss had solved the issue. Josh thoughts were broken when Simon asked, "So are we okay now?".

Josh scoffed and he said, "If I say no do I get another kiss?" 

"Err... um see the thing is"

Josh would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy seeing Simon squirm after what he had said. It served him right for playing with his heart. With a sigh Josh told Simon, "It's a joke calm down, but yeah we're okay now."  Josh saw Simon's face scrunch up I guess he didn't find the joke funny. Simon smacked his lips and told Josh, "Man don't joke about that stuff! I'd prefer it if we put it behind us".

I have to get out of here. It hurts being out here with you.

"I'm fine with that Simon. I'm going inside now I'm freezing out here" with that Josh turned his back on Simon and headed inside the house. As he was about to enter he heard Simon say, "Wait... How was the kiss? Was it everything that you wanted?" It took all of Josh's willpower not to turn around and sock Simon in the mouth for that question. He could forgive a lot of things but now Simon was just mocking him. Josh didn't look back at Simon instead he simply raised his hand and wagged his finger at Simon telling him , "Ah ah you said to put that behind us!" Be the bigger person Josh. Before Simon could respond Vikk called Josh into his room so he headed upstairs.


"So what did you need Vikk?"

When Vikk heard Josh he immediately handed him a large notebook. "I know you played minecraft before, but that was long ago. So read my notes and if you have any questions come and see me." Vikk kept talking but Josh was more preoccupied with the notebook in his hands. As he flipped through the book he became nervous due to the fact that every single page he flipped to was completely filled with writing. 

All of this for a fucking game? I'm not in the mood for this right now.

Josh looked up from the notebook and he saw that Vikk was looking at him with hopeful eyes, "Vikk what the fuck is this?" Vikk was taken back by Josh reply, but he immediately recovered. He grabbed Josh's hand and started walking them towards Josh's room. "Well if you're going to do Minecraft videos you need to be caught up. A lot of things have changed! Now, go install Minecraft on your computer so we can get you ready! With any luck we'll be making videos in a week!" With that Vikk sat on Josh's bed and gestured for Josh to get started. "Vikk have you heard from Lachlan?" At hearing that name Vikk puckered his lips, "No and for now I'd like to keep it that way." 

"Then why are you trying to get me to do Minecraft videos with you?" 

"Fuck off Josh. I know that we got drunk yesterday but I know for a fact that it wasn't nearly enough for you to forget what we talked about yesterday. You promised me that you would make videos with me!"

"No, I promised that I would make videos with you if Lachlan refused to film with you. And as it looks right now that's not happening."

Vikk stood up from Josh's bed and got within arms length of Josh. "It doesn't look like that right now! But what are we going to do if he decides to say something later. What if he isn't saying anything because he's busy convincing the other guys to phase me out of the Pack! You need to prepare so that should something happen we can get videos out as quickly as possible." Josh could tell that Vikk was really worried about this and he couldn't blame him Vikk's Minecraft fans were vicious. If they threw a fit when Vikk had to skip a stream he shuddered to think what they would do if Vikk took a week off to get him ready. It could help you get your mind off Simon with that thought Josh grabbed Vikk's shoulder, "Okay I'll get started now quit twitching like a crackhead and let's get started." Josh went to his computer and started downloading Minecraft. After this they walked into Vikk's room and started planning the videos that they would make. 

Josh was exhausted and overwhelmed he had just spent the last eight hours getting a crash course on Minecraft. The sad thing was that he knew that they had only scratched the surface of what he needed to know. "That's enough for today Josh. We'll pick it up tomorrow" I guess Vikk could tell that it was too much for me. With that Josh left Vikk's room and he went into his room to get ready for bed. In the privacy of his own room Josh finally let his guard down and he started crying. He cried until he could barely keep his eyes open. As he was about to fall to sleep Josh said a small goodnight prayer. His last thought before he lost consciousness was:

God I know you've already given me so much: my health, Youtube success, a great group of friends, and a beautiful girlfriend. I also know that I promised you that all I needed was a kiss from Simon ... but I need more. Please Lord make it so that Simon loves me back.

Oh my god so many of people have read my story!!! Thank you so much for reading it and for voting for it! I hope this chapter was good for you guys! Thanks again for taking the time to read my story and any comments you have would be grately appreciated.


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