Mind Your Business Britney!

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Hey guys I'm trying something new this chapter! Hopefully you guys like it!!

[Song Lyrics]

Simon's thoughts

Simon stayed outside after Josh went inside to see Vikk to try and think about the conversation that had just occurred. Is Josh okay? I wish Vikk hadn't interrupted us ... This thought kept swirling in Simon's head for the next few minutes. Eventually Simon decided to get a start to his day in hopes that it would help clear is head. As he made his way to his room he saw that Josh's room was empty and that Vikk's door was closed. I wonder what they're talking about probably about the kiss. 

Simon stayed in his room for the next two hours filming videos. At around noon Simon decided to head downstairs to have lunch. When he got to the kitchen Simon caught Vikk making sandwiches. Since he knew that Vikk hadn't realized that he was there Simon crept up behind him and whispered, "Where's my sandwich?"  Vikk immediately dropped the bread he was holding and he clutched his chest. As he turned around and saw that it had been Simon he began to glare at him and he spat out, "What the fuck is wrong with you! You're lucky I didn't have a knife in my hand! What if I had stabbed you?" while patting his chest. Simon smiled and said, "Please Vikk you'd never stab someone! The worst I'd have to worry about is you screaming so loud that the neighbors would call the police". Vikk stopped clutching his chest, turned around, grabbed two sandwiches he had made, and started walking out of the kitchen.

"Me and Josh are going to eat in my room your sandwich is on the table. I left you the one with the bread I dropped because you were an asshole and nearly killed me." With that Vikk left the kitchen and he started heading towards his room. Simon sat down and ate his lunch in complete silence. After he finished his sandwich he decided to head out. The house was far too quiet and it was slowly driving him insane. As he was leaving the driveway he turned on the radio

[How was I supposed to know that something wasn't right here]

Josh why didn't I realize you had a crush on me. Maybe if I had realized earlier I could've done something to prevent it. Is this why you'd never play along with any shipping banter?

Simon's thoughts were interrupted by a very loud thud that shook his car. Apparently he had been so deep in thought that he hadn't been paying attention to where he was driving so he hit a curb as he was leaving the driveway. Realizing that he had to stay completely focused on driving he turned off the radio and drove to the mall in silence.

Simon's trip to the mall was just what he needed. The large crowd helped to distract him from his thoughts. Simon also got some errands done. Simon's day was getting better until he walked past a store that was playing its music way too loud.

[If I said I wanted you now. Would you hold it against me?]

Immediately after Simon heard this he turned away from the store but it was too late:
I'm a monster. Josh wasn't even doing anything about his crush. Why did I have to make such a big deal out of it? I made him cry.
Josh's crying face wouldn't leave Simon's mind for the rest of the day. Simon spent the drive home replaying what he had now dubbed The Issue. He analyzed every single moment with the exception of the kiss. Simon wasn't quite ready to deal with his emotions over that.

While Simon was getting ready for bed he decided to go through the sidemen tag on tumblr to see what the fans were saying. The tag was filled with pictures of them and people fangirling over them, some drama Urgh, why can't they get along, and post where they were shipped with other members. As Simon kept going through the tag he saw a screencap from Josh's PaxEast vlog. In the picture Josh was staring at Simon with such intensity that it brought up different emotions in Simon. He was angry at himself for not noticing sooner, he was embarrassed about how love stricken Josh looked, and he felt sad for Josh. He knew that Josh was hurting from the crush it probably didn't help that their fans were shipping them. I guess you are doing all of the heavy lifting. That last thought made Simon incredibly sad so to try and cheer himself up he turned on his TV. As soon as he did he realized that it was a huge mistake when he heard

[That I'm not wastin My feelins on you Loving you means so much more More than anything I ever felt before]

He shut if off as quickly as possible but the damage had been done. Those stupid lyrics reminded him so much of how Josh had reacted after the kiss. Even though Josh said that it was fine enough time had passed that Simon could see that Josh had been crushed that his feeling hadn't be returned. He just fucking left. He didn't say anything he just accepted my explanation. If he really loved me like he claimed he wouldn't have just rolled over he would've demanded a better explanation




Wait what the fuck am I thinking? There is no better explanation and why did I want him to fight me?

With that horrible thought Simon laid down to try and go to sleep but not before swearing to himself that until he sorted out the situation with Josh he wouldn't listen to the radio or watch TV. He couldn't risk Britney coming on and giving him more to think about.

So... that's another chapter done! I hope that you liked this weird version of a Song-fic. Again I'm really glad that so many of you guys are liking my story!!! I had never expected so many people to read it!!! If you guys want to leave me any comments go ahead. 

PS I might not be able to update as regularly as I have been. I'm about to start working.


Tiredundhungry (Finally got my name right)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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