#7 Voyager's Last Straw

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Fang POV
"Give me your Kyras! Now!" I ordered sharply. Using Rae to teleport behind her, I conjured a word out of the teleportation energy, adding another mace with my Creation.

"No!" Voyager struggled out of my grasp, opening a Wormhole below her feet. "You'll never get me! And I will spend every waking hour hunting you and your accomplices down!"

The other Voyager conjured a sword with her own powers, growling, "Don't worry, I'll get her. But I need to borrow the Kyra of Replication."

"And how do I know this isn't a ruse?" I asked suspiciously.

"We helped you defeat those two villains, didn't we?" Teleto countered, opening a connection between our parallel universes. "Or, we can go back to our own world and waste more time."

I decided to put trust in them. Hopefully that wouldn't be a mistake.

I quickly gave Voyager Toppo, who immediately called out, "Toppo, Second, unify!"

She quickly turned into some sort of orange-striped beast, promising, "I'm not going to let you down. I will get her Kyra back! Replication!"

I watched as she split into a thousand versions and leaped through numerous portals. And I knew that this was going to be Voyager's last straw.

I just hoped we would clinch the victory.

Bibi POV (AU)
No sign of the enemy Voyager anywhere.

Honestly, it's a bit weird knowing that there are villain versions of yourselves out there. It's just creepy thinking about it.

Maybe, if I found this Voyager, I could help her change, help her see herself better, help her learn to work for the Greer good and not just her own betterment.

A sudden piercing scream rang through my mind as I eyed one duplicate of myself trapped by the enemy. "Fall in!" I quickly whispered, merging all my forms into one and focusing on the enemy's location.

"Surprise!" I shouted, grabbing her hand and flipping her around. She snarled and conjured her sword, but I blasted it away with a gust of air.

"You're playing with fire here," she growled, slamming me onto the ground. But I forced her to back off by summoning a giant stick of bamboo and slamming her in the chest with it.

"If you don't give the Kyra to me, I will destroy you!" I warned, spinning the bamboo stick at lightning speed.

"Fine by me!" She pulled a mace out of a Wormhole, charging towards me and swinging it rapidly. I quickly pulled a tree branch towards me and slammed it under her feet, making her trip and her weapon disappear. She groaned as I slammed her against the stone of the Great Wall of China, harnessing the wind to keep her trapped.

"Why are you so desperate for Astro's Kyra?" I asked as I slowly stalked towards her, making sure that my tornado didn't die down. She struggled furiously and snapped, "I don't have to answer to you!"

I bound her with vines and encased her in a powerful storm, making sure it was safe to make the next move.

"Toppo, Second, reverse morphosis," I whispered. I transformed back into Bibi, for the first time in months. Voyager gasped in shock, "But..."

"You're me. And I'm you," I confirmed. "And if we're the same person, we know each other perfectly, we can help each other with our own knowledge."

"No," Voyager said, "You can't be me. If you were, your parents would be...gone...too, and you would be working every hour to save them and bring them back."

"They are," I said softly. "But I've learned to live my life in their memory, and appreciate the others around me, instead of living a life all alone in the fake belief that I can bring them back. Which is what you should do. You're causing chaos everywhere, and for no reason at all. Maybe if you learned to be friends with others who love you too, your life will become happier, just like mine."

Voyager was silently thinking, and she seemed a bit guilty. I murmured, "Toppo, Second, unify," and removed the bonds on her, extending my hand to her.

She took it.

And smiled.

Fang POV
"Where are they?" I murmured, asking the other Voyager's friend, the other Teleto.

"I've no idea," he admitted, "Hydro didn't activate a Transmission so I can't ask her with my mind."

Suddenly, another Wormhole opened beside me, and I braced for attack, conjuring a broadsword and aiming it towards the white void. But two Voyagers stepped out, both with friendly faces. But I identified my old friend, my long time enemy, by the green blade rested on her back.

"Hi...Astro," she said guiltily. "I'm really sorry for all the havoc I caused. But I want to let you know I've changed. Voyager here helped me see that chasing after my parents was a useless endeavour, and I should focus on those around me instead. Here's Corine back. I won't be needing her anymore."

So many things were racing through my mind at that very moment. Words. Questions. Answers. But it didn't matter, because there was only one thing on my mind. So I told her, "No. You keep her. Hopefully she can help you change."

She smiled, just like the way she used to do all those years ago, when we were first friends. That smile was so familiar, so heartbreaking, and so wonderful at the same time.

As our allies from the different world said goodbye, we couldn't stop smiling at each other.

Now, it was finally time for new beginnings.

Fresh starts.

Just like our friendship, finally reborn from the ashes.

And as I glanced at the depths of her eyes, which I used to admire so much, I hoped that there was something more waiting for us.

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