The End

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It's the end of another book...and the start of new beginnings! This last segment is just another short question-and answer section, so feel free to drop any questions below! In the meantime, I'm going to try to answer some questions you may have.

Q : Is there going to be yet another sequel to this?
A : Honestly, I haven't decided yet. But maybe one day there will be one! In the meantime, you can always re-read New Beginnings : Rise of the Darkness or check out my other books!

Q : What was that "something more" at the end?
A : Yeah...I kinda wanted to satisfy the Fang x Bibi shippers there. Plus, it brought an interesting turn of events related Tao their nostalgia. Also, you can imagine some endings for them!

Q : Since when can Teleto access other parallel universes?
A : We'll, you see, after the introduction of Voyager, it seems like Teleto's Kyra is not that good—because Voyager can do everything he can, and more. So I decided to add something unique to the Kyra of Migration—something that even Voyager doesn't have. The ability to psd through other universes. After all, Teleto's portals can go anywhere!

Q : Why weren't other characters from Rise of the Darkness mentioned here?
A: Well, only Teleto, Astro and Voyager were important to the finale of the I only included them! Though I wonder what theories you guys have about what happened to Mr. P and Penny...

With that, this book if officially over! Thanks all for reading!

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