Chapter nineteen

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They sailed along the coast of the island. When Pair-Of-Dice Cove was out of sight, Calliope spoke up. "Are you going tell me where we're going?"

Patrick continued to row, looking over his shoulders. "After we left, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the crew of the ship I was on."

The sun was high in the sky, beating down on them. "I don't know if they were able to escape from those... those sirens." He practically spit the word out. Anger consumed his thoughts. He clenched his jaw. His fingers tightened around the oars as he closed his eyes and turned his head away from her.

"Mother, I mean Nerissa, has always been ruthless." She looked at her hands. "I have always hated that they were so horrible to others." She wrapped her arms around her waist and grimaced as if she were caving in on herself. "I hate that I'm one of them! I don't blame you for hating me either."

She lifted her gaze to meet Patrick. "I mean, just look at all I've done to you since meeting you!" Regret contorted her otherwise lovely face.  She proceeded to list them off on her fingers. "I've kidnapped you, took your watch, tied you up, got you into trouble with your friends, ruined your relationship with your family, and now, you don't even have a place to stay! Oh, I almost forgot, you didn't eat for days and collapsed because you were with me."

She buried her face in her hands. "I've caused nothing but trouble for you since we've met!" She lifted her tear-stained face. "I'm so sorry. I can't in good conscience stay with you anymore." She jumped overboard.

Dumbstruck, Patrick dove in after her. She was swimming away fast. He was barely able to catch up to her. When he did, he grabbed her by the wrist. "Hey, wait!"

She turned around to see him and shook her head.

"Just hear me out! Okay?" He was afraid he would lose her if he couldn't convince her to stay.

She nodded slowly.

He loosened his grip on her wrist and laced his fingers through hers. "Good. Now, let's get back in the boat before we lose that too."

On the way back to the boat, neither said a word. A heaviness had settled between them. Patrick tried to collect his thoughts. He could see that Calliope was still upset and didn't want to say something that would make things worse.

When they were back in the rowboat, they sat facing each other. The waves rocked the boat. The sun shone through the break in clouds. He needed to say something, anything. But what? She was right. She had done most of those things. So, why was he so upset that she left? If anything, he should be livid...but he wasn't. Not with her at least.

He sighed. "First of all, I don't hate you. You aren't like them. Ha! You aren't even like my mother! You may have your faults but so do l. And just so we're clear, I would rather be with you than any of them. Okay?"

Calliope sat quietly.

For some reason, it really bothered him that she was so reluctant and reserved. Even though his doubts were lingering on the surface, he stubbornly pushed them back down. The undeniable fact that he could no longer avoid was that he wanted to be with Calliope.

He leaned forward and slowly reached for her hands, but she flinched away at his touch. An ache wrenched his heart. Why was she avoiding him now? After all their time together. Frustration built up in him.

He sat up and glowered at her. "You know what Calli? You're right. You have done a lot of those things. But despite everything that we've been through, that you personally put me through, I still want to be with you." He grabbed her face in his hands, forcing her to look only at him. He lowered his voice. "I like being with you. So stay with me? Please?"

Tears welled up in her eyes. Then streamed endlessly down her cheeks. Collecting in between Patrick's fingers.

Realizing what he was doing, Patrick released her and held his hands up. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

She slowly shook her head.

"I don't understand. I thought I"

Calliope lunged forward, grabbed Patrick by the sides of his face, and silenced him with a kiss.

Shock turned into relief as he realized that this was her response to his question. He slid his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her forehead against his. "Puc..."

"Hmmm?" He ever-so-softly nuzzled her cheek. Gently kissing the side of her neck.

"Patrick!" She yelled, pointing in the opposite direction.

He let go of her and turned to see that they were about to crash into the jagged rocks just off the coastline. He quickly grabbed the oars as Calliope clung to the side. He tried his best to maneuver out of harm's way but the waves were pushing against them. Forcing them toward their imminent demise.

Salty seawater swirled around Patrick, pulling him under. Unrelenting waves crashed against him. Tossing him into the large rocks like a rag doll. Splintered wood was all that remained from the wreckage of their shattered vessel. Patrick struggled to gain his bearings. Grasping and clawing at anything that might be able to steady him. A broken piece of an oar spun around and struck Patrick in the back of the head, rendering him unconscious. Plunging him into the depths.

Darkness surrounded him. He ached everywhere, the cold gripping his bones. A small light in the distance caught his attention. It gradually became brighter the closer it came towards him. He reached for it but it was still too far away. His head was pounding from the pain, sending pinpricks radiating from the base of his skull. His vision was fading. He didn't have any strength left. His last thoughts were of Calliope.

Then warmth. A comfortable warmth like a blanket enveloped him.

Voices called out in the distance. Muddled at first. He could barely make out what they were saying.

"Wha... don..."


"Hey! Get the doc..." " ....omin.. ..o.."

Everything was blurry. He didn't recognize those conversing around him. Patrick stirred slightly. "Cal..."

A firm hand held him down. "Don't try to move." The smooth deep voice to his left commanded.

"It's a miracle you survived." The nasally one piped in.

"He's coming to." "Hey." "Quickly!"

"Any luck finding the girl yet?"

At that, Patrick turned his attention in eager anticipation of the next words to follow.

"Nothing yet." An elderly man said.

He felt his heart drop. His labored breathing became rapid and ragged. He gasped for air. He couldn't lose her, not now. Not like this! "Calli..."

His muscles locked and his mind spun a thousand different scenarios. She couldn't be gone. She had to have gotten away. That's right. She's a siren. They live a really long time. He desperately tried to convince himself that she was safe and waiting for him. He just needed to get out of wherever here was and go find her.

His eyes burned as they betrayed his thoughts. He balled his fists tightly. His nails dug into the palms of his hands. His jaw was clenched. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, the sobs escaped him.

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter Where stories live. Discover now