Chapter twenty-three

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"Puc?" Calliope softly called out from behind him. "How much farther do you imagine we have to go before we reach your captain?"

Even though Patrick had reluctantly agreed to take Calliope with him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

She didn't like the condition that he forced her to accept if she were to accompany him and had argued with him that it wasn't fair that she would have to leave him if he felt it wasn't safe. Only after he had mentioned Callum's name did she finally give in.

He hated the idea of Calliope being anywhere near Callum again, but he feared for her safety even more if he couldn't be there to protect her if something did happen. He wouldn't hesitate to remove his necklace if it meant protecting Calli.

Thinking back, he was wearing it on the beach, when he had been captured by the sirens. How was he able to call the storms with it on? What had changed? Was his necklace even still working or was he just able to control his ability better now? Did the same rules apply to him as the sirens? Did he lose his abilities because he loved Calli or was he an exception?

"Patrick?" She touched his arm. Pulling him out of his endless thoughts.

"Sorry. What's wrong?" His worries tainting his tone.

She shook her head. "It's nothing. I was just wondering if we were close."

For the first time in a while, Patrick looked closely at his surroundings. "I don't actually know." He swam to the surface.

Night had fallen. The stars twinkled in the darkness above him. He turned his head around. They were completely surrounded by water! Just how many days has it been since we were on dry land?

Calliope came up behind him, wrapped her arms around his chest, and rested her head on his shoulder. "Any idea where we're at?"

He searched the stars to find his location. He gingerly locked his fingers through hers. A smile tugged on his lips. "Don't worry. I can get us there." He pointed out towards the constellations. "Remember when I told you that my father would tell me about the stars?"

She nodded. Then blushed, recalling what happened immediately following that conversation. She buried her face into his back. Letting the wet fabric cool her flushed cheeks.

"My father taught me how to read the constellations, it's what sailors use to guide their ships at night." Feeling rather proud of the fact that he had retained what his father had taught him as a child, he waited eagerly for praise from Calli.

Only she didn't respond.

Disappointed, he placed his hand on her arm and tugged her to face him.

She turned her face away.

He lifted her chin with his hand. "Hey. Did I do something wrong?" He searched her eyes.

She avoided his gaze and forced her attention to the sky. Pointing to the stars, she asked, "What are some of the stories?"

He showed her the constellations and told them how they got their names. After a while, she started to yawn. Patrick embraced her. "You should rest. I'll take the first watch."

She nodded as she drifted into a peaceful sleep.

That night Patrick wouldn't be able to rest. As the moon rose higher, a stillness settled over the vast surface of the water. Stars illuminated the darkened waters below like diamonds on a deep blue dress.

The moonlight shone from above. Highlighting Calli's sleeping features. He stroked her hair as it shimmered in the light. How is possible for someone so beautiful to love me? He lost himself in the wonderment of it all as he held her in his arms.

As the calm night gracefully slipped away and made room for the sun's glorious presence, Calliope stirred. She rubbed her eyes and realized that Patrick had let her sleep through the night. "Why didn't you wake me?"

"You obviously needed the sleep." He patted her head and stroked her hair, catching it in his fingers. He twirled her wispy tresses and watched as they cascaded down. Fascinated by how soft her hair was.

She swatted his hand away. "And you don't?"

He smiled at her. "I'll be fine." He entwined his fingers with hers. "Come on. Let's go."

After a few more days of swimming, Patrick finally recognized the familiar harbor. Narcadia.

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter Where stories live. Discover now