Chapter twenty-one

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They swam in silence. Patrick thought over the last time he and Calliope had a conversation.


On the beach, Patrick's heart sank as her words sunk in. His expression turned grim. "Do you understand the gravity behind what you just said?" Patrick tightly gripped Calliope's arms. His eyes desperately searched hers for a sign that she comprehended him.

Tears fell. "I thought you would be happy." Her voice broke as her heart shattered.

"Happy? Why would I be happy?" He shouted, squeezing tighter.

Her face contorted in pain. "You're hurting me."

He released her.

She turned away from him, clutched her arms, and began to shake.

He leaned on his elbows and pushed himself into a seated position. Breathing heavily through the pain. "Look, Calli, I don't think you know what you're saying. You could lose your powers. Everything that makes you who you are. Do you really want that? To be helpless, like my mother?"

She didn't respond, just continued to weep in silence.

They were both in uncharted territory. Neither of them had been in a relationship before. He knew firsthand what this kind of relationship did to his family. He couldn't do that to her. He cared for her too much.

He watched as she cried to herself, knowing full well that he was the cause of her heartache. He started to reach out to comfort her but stopped himself. Instead, he chose to apologize. That was the best thing that he could come up with in this situation. He didn't want her to end up lonely and heartbroken because of him. He knew she would only resent him in the end.

He turned away from her. "I'm sorry, Calli." He whispered.  "We should go." He forced himself to stand. "We wasted too much time here already because of me."


Patrick stole a glance at Calliope. She hadn't said a word to him since that day, one week ago. He couldn't blame her. He knew that he should have responded differently, but he couldn't help but think of the repercussions. He didn't want to ruin her life or see her suffer the way his parents had.

As they neared the next island, Calliope slowed her pace and faced Patrick head-on. "I thought that you hated sirens?" She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him. "Is that all I am to you? Just a pretty voice!" She was livid. She pushed his shoulder. "Is that it?" She screamed at him.

Patrick didn't say anything. He was still stunned that she was talking to him. He missed their playful banter, her sweet smile, her lovely voice.

She turned away from him. "I can't believe how petty you are!" Calliope faced him and searched for any hint of remorse. Nothing. Just a blank stare. She palmed her head in frustration. "I can't believe I'm still with you! I must be an idiot." She looked pointedly at him. "Your stupidity is rubbing off on me."

He started to shake uncontrollably. Then he covered his face with his hand.

Concerned, she peered at him trying to see around his hand. "Patrick? Are you ok?"

He doubled over and grabbed his sides as he burst out laughing.

She scowled and hit his arm. "Idiot! I thought that there was something wrong with you!"

"You said it, I am an idiot!" He said between broken laughter.

She huffed.

He took on a serious expression, lifted his eyes, and stared up at her. "I've missed you, Calli."

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter Where stories live. Discover now