Chapter twenty-four

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As Patrick and Calli arrived at the port of Narcadia, dawn was just beginning to peek over the horizon. Patrick told Calli that he would like to go see Captain Westin first.

Patrick pulled Calli closer to him and wrapped his arm around her waist as they headed into town. Their feet smacked against the cobblestone street as they walked.

Calli couldn't help but be awestruck by the bustling town around them. People pushed carts loaded with an assortment of foods and goods, yelling at passersby to come and buy whatever they were selling.

Calli pulled on Patrick's sleeve. "Can we go look?" Her pleading face was full of wonderment.

"Alright. But just for a bit. I really don't want to spend any more time here than we have to." They stopped at several carts before Patrick decided it was time to move on.

When they finally made their way towards the Captain's establishment, Patrick took in a deep breath. He was here just months ago. So much has changed since then. He never thought that he'd be back at this door, seeking the captain again. He reached out for the brass handle and turned the knob. Only it wouldn't budge. The door was locked.

That was strange. Patrick looked up. It was the middle of the day. He walked over to the dusty window, wiped it in circles with his sleeve, and then attempted to peer inside. To his dismay, it was dark and lifeless.

Just as he was about to give up, a sailor working nearby called out to him, "If yer lookin' fer the cap'n, 'es gone to Doc Mirdel's. Just missed 'im."

Patrick looked at Calli and smiled, then back to the sailor. "Could you possibly give us directions to the Mirdel residence?"

"Sure thing." He proceeded to tell them how to get to the doctor's house from there.

The doctor's place of residence was not too far from the docks. It was the first grand house on the street. The large front yard was enclosed with a black iron fence. Up the path and to the left stood a cherry tree shading a cast iron bench below it.

As they came to the door, Calli nervously clung onto Patrick's sleeve.

"It will be alright. I'm going to stay with you the whole time. Taylor likes you, remember?"

"Taylor?" She tilted her head to the side trying to recall which one was Taylor.

"You know, Long hair. Gave you his big shirt?"

Realization dawned on her as she hopped up and down, clapping. "Oh! The angry one." She scowled and pinched the bridge of her nose, imitating Taylor, and causing Patrick to laugh.

"That's him. Although he's not really angry."

"More like frustrated."

They turned to see Taylor standing in the doorway. Their mouths agape.

"Well, what brings you two here?" He looked them over. "And where are your shoes?"

Embarrassed, Patrick clutched his sleeve and glanced down. A low growl broke the silence. They both turned to face Calli.

Taylor let out a hearty laugh, clapped his hands on both of their shoulders, and smiled widely. "Why don't we discuss it after you both come in and get something to eat."

Once inside, Taylor led them to the kitchen. "What would you like to eat?" He opened cupboards and rummaged through the shelves while Patrick and Calli sat down at the table in the center of the room.

"Ah! We have some fresh baked bread." He turned and headed towards the shelf by the sink. There, he lifted the lid on a wooden box and pulled out a loaf of bread wrapped in a dishcloth.

He collected a few plates from the cabinet and a polished silver knife from the drawer. After setting all of it down in front of them, he grabbed a couple of clear glasses and a small jar of jam. He set the table and sliced the bread.

"Help yourselves." He grabbed a slice and spread the jam on top. When he was about to take a bite, he set it back down and frowned. "I forgot the water. Be right back." He got up and called from behind. "Go ahead and eat."

He returned carrying a carafe of water. After pouring some into each glass he sat back down and finished his slice of bread. "So, either of you wanna tell me what brings you here to my house? Not that I mind. It's nice to see that you're both here unscathed, but I have to wonder what happened to you after we dropped you off."

Calli was the first to speak up. "My mother found us and tried to kill us but Patrick saved us and had a fight with his sister and we left because one of my mother's friends got away and then Patrick almost died"

Patrick clasped his hands over Calli's mouth and gave a sheepish grin.

"Wait. You almost died?!" Taylor abruptly stood up and grabbed Patrick. Examining him closer. As he felt the bump on the back of his head, Patrick winced. "Come with me."

He led them up the stairs and into a bright room. "I should have known better than to think that you would come here unscathed. That was irresponsible of me not to check you out first!"

He pointed to the bed. "Lay down here. I'll be right back with my bag." He reached the door, then turned back. "And how about you? Are you okay?"

Calli nodded and he narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked her over. "Hmm. Alright then. You can keep him company until I get back." And with that he was out of the room and down the stairs, leaving Patrick and Calli alone.

"Why did you tell him all of that?" Irritation laced his harsh tone.

She shrugged her shoulder and twirled her hair with her finger. "It's the truth, isn't it? He asked what happened and I told him." She walked closer and placed her hands on her hips, leaning down she scowled at him. "And what do think you were doing? Covering my mouth!" Her hair tumbled off her shoulders as she reached out and grabbed Patrick's jaw.

His eyes went wide as a hand reached out and covered her face, silencing her. While another hand grabbed her by her waist, and yanked her away from him and out the door. Slamming it behind them.

Patrick scrambled to his feet. Raced for the door only to find it locked. He pounded furiously on the wooden door and yelled for help.

Only to be met with silence.

The Unbelievable Life of Patrick Uilliam Carter Where stories live. Discover now