chapter 1

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Hey my name is Nia and I am an outlaw and I been running from the law since I was a little girl I ever got caught and I am with Dutch and them and we been on the run since that shit in Blackwater but now we are camping out at Horseshoe Overlook and I have a boyfriend and his name is Arthur Morgan but I am the toughest girl in the gang who ain't afraid to get dirty or get shot at or kill someone but when I kill rob or steal something I don't leave a trace so people don't know it was me but I have my nose pierced my tongue pierced my eyebrows pierced my lip pierced my cheek pierced and my nipples my back dimples pierced and I have my snakes bites and I have a lot of tattoos I had got them done when I was little and I been keeping my distance from Arthur and I been avoiding him but I know everything that is going on and I'm always helping Dutch and Hosea making plans I don't know why they ask me to help them but I do it anyway

Nia pov as I got up I got dress and braided my hair then I had put my hat on and walked out of my tent then I saw Arthur coming into camp but I didn't look his way then I had went and got some coffee then I saw Abigail then I say morning Abigail then Abigail say are you okay then I say I don't know what to do anymore I mean I can't just tell him that Jackson is his and that Mary is sending me letters and shit then Abigail say I always hated that bitch then I had laugh then Abigail say what I'm telling the truth then I say I'll talk to you later then Abigail say okay then I had finish drinking my coffee and pour the rest out and put my cup with the rest of them then I had saw Micah then I had went over to him then I say wake up then Micah say why do you always do that shit Tough Gal then I say cause it's fun but remember when you had find the O'Driscoll plans to rob Cornwall train then Micah say yeah so then I say well I been looking around their hideout and I found another one but they planning on robbing some big house in this town call Rhodes then Micah say do you have the plan then I say right here then Micah had took the paper from me and looked at it then Micah say you think it's a trap then I say could be then Micah say well let's ride down there and have a look shall we then I say let's go then me and Micah had went over to the horses then I had got on Bella and Micah had got on Baylock then we had left camp

Nobody pov as Micah and Nia had left camp and Arthur had saw it and he didn't like it and he didn't know why Nia wasn't talking to him but he was gonna fine out as Micah and Nia had left camp and headed to Rhodes then Micah say where is this house then Nia say as soon as we get into Rhodes it's the first house then they had got to Rhodes and they saw the house then Micah say it's not guarded or anything then Nia say nope I checked it out yesterday then Micah say let's go check it out then Nia and Micah had hitched their horse and went inside the house then Micah say let's take everything then Nia say well duh then Nia and Micah had took everything from the house then Nia had saw a safe then she had opened it and saw it was a lot of money in there then Nia say hey Micah look what I find then Micah had went over to where Nia was at then Micah had looked in the safe then Micah say holy shit that's a lot of money then they had took it all then Micah had split it between their selves then they had got back on their horse and headed back to camp then they had hitched their horse and walked back into camp then Micah say we better go talk to Dutch then Nia and Micah had went to Dutch tent then Dutch say Nia Micah what can I do for yall then Micah say well Tough Gal here find a good score then Dutch say she did then Micah say yeah in Rhodes this big house a lot of things in there and a lot of money then Nia had give Dutch some of the money then Dutch say good lord that's a lot of money I should send you two out on jobs more often then Nia had walked out of the tent then she had saw Arthur and he was chopping wood then Nia had went over to the haybales and took one and went over to the horses and put it down then she had got the other haybale and put it on the other side then Nia had went over to Bella and brush her pelt and pat her and feed her an hay then Nia say good girl then Nia had went back to camp then John say Nia then Nia say John then John say you still not gonna tell Arthur about Jackson then Nia say I don't know how to tell him I mean with Mary still writing me and shit then John say hang in there then Nia had walked off and went back over to the horses and got on Bella and left camp and went to Valentine 

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