chapter 3

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The next morning nobody pov as Nia had got up she had rub her hands over her face then she had got up and got dress and put her hat on and her fingerless gloves on then she had put on her gun belt her satchel her gun holsters then she had walked out of her tent and went and got some coffee then Abigail say Dutch when are you gonna get me my son back then Dutch say we are still working on it Abigail then Abigail had walked away then Nia had drink her coffee then Arthur had walked out of his tent and saw Nia standing up drinking her coffee then Arthur had went over and got some coffee then Arthur say good morning darlin then Nia say morning then Arthur say what are you doing today then Nia say well I'm gonna try and finish some of those list today then Nia had poured out the rest of her coffee and walked away then she had saw Edward then Nia say hey Edward do you know where I can find American Ginseng then Edward say how many do you need then Nia say 30 of them then Edward say I have them some right here then Nia say thank you then Edward had gave them to Nia then Nia had put them in her satchel then Edward say I know I'm gonna regret asking this but why do you need 30 American Ginseng then Nia say well I have this list well more than one list and on one of the lists I got it asked for 30 American Ginseng then Edward say helping people out then Nia say yes and I'm getting paid for it and now I can cross off 30 American Ginseng off my list then Nia had got the list out and cross of American Ginseng and put it back in her satchel then Edward say can I see one of those list then Nia had went back in her satchel and got a list out and give it to Edward then Edward had looked at the list then Edward say who need this many stew then Nia say it's for an lady that lives in this hill then Edward and looked at Nia then Nia say what then Edward say did you just say an lady live in a hill then Nia say yes it's a Mysterious Hill Home and she wants all that stew then Edward say why then Nia say I don't know I guess to eat or to feed her kids or something then Edward say how did you find this Mysterious Hill Home then Nia say well I was on my way back to camp when I heard someone calling for help and I saw the lady and I thought she was an O'Driscoll but she told me she wasn't she was ambushed by them so I had helped her and I asked where she lived and she said in the Mysterious Hill Home and I asked her where is that at and she said it was Grizzlies East region of the Ambarino so I took her there and she paid me for getting her home and she gave me her list and she said she would pay me again if I get her all the stew she wants then Edward say does that include Person stew then Nia say I reckon now I have to get going see ya around then Nia had walked away from Edward and went over to the horses and got on Bella and left camp then Arthur had went over to Edward then Edward say did Nia told you about those lists she has then Arthur say yeah she told me about them and how she is doing them herself then Edward say why didn't she ask someone to help her then Arthur say I asked her that and she said everyone was busy then Edward say we should help her then Arthur say we need one more  then Edward say I say John then Arthur say John come here then John had walked over to Edward and Arthur then Edward say you're coming with us then John say where then Arthur say to help Nia then John say with what then Edward say she has a whole bunch of list then John say okay I'll help then Arthur Edward and John had went over to the horses and got on their horse and left camp and went to Rhodes cause they knew that where Nia would start off first

In Rhodes still nobody pov as Edward Arthur and John got to Rhodes they had hitched their horse and walked around looking for Nia then John had saw Nia and she was sitting on a back of a wagon and she was writing something then John say find her then they had went over to Nia then Edward say what are you writing then Nia had looked up from under her hat and saw it was Edward Arthur and John then Nia had went back to writing then Nia say it's more list and I'm writing them down then Edward had took the clipboard then John say where did you get the clipboard from then Nia say the sheriff office then Edward say we don't won't to know then Nia say okay then Arthur say did you started back yet then Nia say no not yet then Edward say how about this me and John take some of the list and you and Arthur take the other while give Nia the clipboard back then John say okay then Nia had gave Edward some of the list and kept the others then Edward had took the lists and put them in his satchel then John and Edward had got on their horse and left then Nia had sat back on the wagon and look back over the list then Arthur say where did you get the wagon from then Nia say it was just sitting here I just sat on it then Arthur say what's in it then Nia say I don't know then Arthur say did you got those stew for that lady who lives in that Mysterious Hill Home then Nia say no not yet I was gonna do that last then Arthur say what about those plants did you find all of them then Nia say no I only got two of them off the list I haven't looked for the rest yet but it's more than plants on that list you do know that right then Arthur say what do you mean then Nia say well It's plants berries mushrooms seasoning herbs and orchids then Arthur had looked into the wagon and saw empty jars in there then Nia say what are you doing then Arthur say I'm looking through this wagon and it's only got empty jars on it then Nia say I can use those jars and the wagon then Arthur say why do you need empty jars then Nia say well as I go along the way doing things for people more people come and ask me to get things off their list and it been wired sometimes then Arthur say I'm not gonna ask but what kind of plants berries mushrooms seasoning herbs and orchids you need then Nia had went into her satchel and got the list that had all the plants berries mushrooms seasoning herbs and orchids and gave it to Arthur then Arthur had looked at it then Nia had got down from the back of the wagon and she was looking at another list then Arthur had gave the list back to Nia then Nia had took the list and put it back in her satchel then Arthur say what list you got in your hand then Nia say oh the one with all the stew on it then Arthur say so we're doing this one first then Nia say might as well and get it over with then Arthur had took the list from Nia and looked at it then Nia say hey I was reading that ya know then Arthur say pipe down darlin then Nia had got in the wagon then Arthur say move over I'm driving then Nia had moved over then Arthur had got in the wagon and got the ropes then Arthur say yah then the horses started moving then Arthur say where to first then Nia say the Saloon in Valentine then they had went to Valentine then Arthur say whoa there then the horses had stop then Nia and Arthur had got out of the wagon and walked into the Saloon then Cliff say ah Miss Kenway are you here to get into anymore fights then Nia say no I'm not Mr Smithfield then Cliff say what can I so for you Miss Kenway then Nia say can I get 400 of your Beef Stew and 300 of your Lamb's Fry with green peas and boiled potatoes then Cliff say will that be here or to go then Nia say to go please then Cliff say coming right up then Cliff had walked away then Arthur say who need that many stew then Nia say well apparently her then Cliff had walked out of the back with plates filled with 400 Beef Stew and 300 Lamb's Fry with green peas and boiled potatoes then Nia had got the Beef Stew and Arthur had got the Lamb's Fry with green peas and boiled potatoes then they had walked out of the Saloon and put the plate of stew onto the wagon then Arthur say what else is on the list then Nia say well we gotta to the other Saloon in Valentine then Arthur say why then Nia say cause we need 111 Oatmeal then Arthur say well let's go then they had went to the other Saloon then they had walked in then Keane say what can I get you Miss Kenway then Nia say I just need 111 Oatmeal then Keane say coming right up and I'm guessing it's to go then Nia say yeah then Keane had walked away then Arthur say how do he know you then Nia my brother been to this Saloon many of times so that's how he knows me then Keane had walked back out with the 111 Oatmeal had give it to Nia then Nia had took them and Arthur had took some as well then they had walked out of the Saloon and went to the wagon and put the Oatmeal in the wagon then Arthur say what's next then Nia say we gotta go to Rhodes then Arthur say why then Nia say cause we gotta go to the Rhodes Parlour House then Arthur say that still doesn't tell me why then Nia say cause we need 500 Cracked Wheat & Milk and 900 Fried Catfish with greens and boiled beans then Arthur and Nia had got in the wagon and went to Rhodes then they had went inside the Saloon then the bartender say what can I get you then Nia say can I get 500 plates of Cracked Wheat & Milk and 900 plates of Fried Catfish with greens and boiled beans to go then the bartender say coming right up then the bartender had walked away then Nia and Arthur had waited then some of the Lemoyne Raiders had walked into the Saloon then Nia say and here comes trouble then Arthur say leave it alone it got nothing to do with you or me then Nia say I know that but they always come in here this time of day and start trouble then the bartender say here you go then Nia and Arthur had took then Cracked Wheat & Milk and Fried Catfish with greens and boiled beans and left the Saloon then they had put them in the back of the wagon then Arthur say where to next then Nia say we gotta go to Saint Denis to get 800 Lobster Bisque and 700 Prime Rib, with potatoes dauphinoise and spring salad then Nia and Arthur had got in the wagon then Arthur say and who own that Saloon then Nia say a guy name Robert Andrew Freeman he runs that Saloon then Arthur say what do you mean then Nia say well it's another Saloon and the own is Doyle then Arthur say how do you know this stuff you never in Saint Denis that long then Nia say that's where you're wrong when we been to Saint Denis to find out more about Bronte and when we got to Shady Belle and you went back to camp I went back to Saint Denis and did some more looking around and and I looked in the Saloons there and that's how I find out who own those Saloons then Arthur say you sure get around a lot then Nia say what can I say I'm a busy woman then Arthur and Nia had got to Saint Denis then they had got out of the wagon then they had went into the Saloon then Robert say Miss Kenway good to see you again what can I get for you then Nia say good to see you too Mr Freeman but can I get 800 plates of your Lobster Bisque and 700 plates of your Prime Rib with potatoes dauphinoise and spring salad to go please then Robert say coming right up then he had went into the back then Arthur say do I even want to know how he know you then Nia say I've might have been here a few times then Arthur say okay what else have you been doing when I'm not around then Nia say well when you're not around and you're out doing something for Dutch I either stay at camp or go into town and see what kind of trouble I can get into then Robert had came out with 800 plates of Lobster Bisque and 700 plates of Prime Rib with potatoes dauphinoise and spring salad and gave them to Nia then Nia had got the Prime Rib with potatoes dauphinoise and spring salad and Arthur had got the Lobster Bisque and they had left the Saloon and went to the wagon and put the stuff in there then they had saw John and Edward then John and Edward had went over to them then Arthur say how yall getting on then John say good what about yall then Arthur say just fine then someone say well well well if it ain't the Kenway siblings then Nia say oh bloody hell then Edward say why are you here Lucia then Lucia say I told you that I would find you and your sister then Edward say who's the guy then Lucia say a friend of mine you and your sister should know him well I mean your sister should know but if you don't know him than his name is Vance Travers then Nia had thought about how much hell he had put her thought and she didn't tell nobody not her brother and not even Arthur then Vance had saw Nia then Vance had got off his horse then Vance say well well well me meet again Miss Kenway then Edward say get away from my sister then Vance say why is that while stepping closer to Nia then Arthur had push Nia behind him then Vance say what's this then Arthur say if I were you I would leave her the hell alone then Vance say and what are you gonna do about it then Arthur had pulled his gun out and shot Vance in his shoulder then Arthur say the next one will be in your chest if you and her don't get the hell out of here then Lucia say you didn't see the last of us just wait until Colm hears about this then Lucia had help Vance onto her horse then she had ride off then John say who the hell are they then Edward say they are with the O'Driscoll now then Edward say let's go John we gotta finish get the rest of these things on the list then John and Edward had left then Arthur say care to explain to me what the hell was that then Nia say it's a long story then Arthur say we got time then Nia say okay Lucia Márquez and Vance Travers used to be assassin along with me and Edward but they were force to leave so they left and we never saw them again until now looks like they are with the O'Driscolls now then Arthur say let's just get the rest of this stew then Nia say okay then they had got back in the wagon then Arthur say what else do we need then Nia we need to go to Old Light Saloon in Van Horn then Arthur say who own the Saloon there then Nia say some guy name Josie Dawson that's all I know then they had went to Van Horn then they had walked into the Saloon then Josie say what can I do for you then Nia say can I get 100 plates of your Fish Stew and 200 plates of your Lamb's Heart with boiled cabbage to go please then Josie say coming right up then he had walked away then Arthur say have you been to this Saloon then Nia say no I never been here or this town so I don't know nothing about it then Josie had came back with the 100 plates of Fish Stew and 200 plates of Lamb's Heart with boiled cabbage and give them to Nia then Arthur and Nia had got the plates and walked out of the Saloon and put them onto the wagon then Arthur say where to next then Nia say we gotta go to Blackwater then Arthur say we can't go back there that place is filled with lawmans and Pinkertons then Nia say you don't have to go into the Saloon I can go myself then Nia and Arthur had got in the wagon and went to Blackwater then Nia had walked into the Saloon by herself then the bartender say what can I get you then Nia say can I get 300 plates of your Peach Cobbler with cream and 600 plates of your Roast Prairie Chicken with green beans mashed potatoes and gravy to go then the bartender say coming right up then he had walked away then Nia had waited for him to come back then Arthur had got out of the wagon and went inside the Saloon and saw Nia leaning on the bar waiting then Arthur had went over to her then Nia say I thought you were gonna wait in the wagon then Arthur say well I changed my mind then the bartender had came back with 300 plates of Peach Cobbler with cream and 600 plates of Roast Prairie Chicken with green beans mashed potatoes and gravy and give it to Nia then Nia had got them and Arthur had got the rest then they had walked out of the Saloon and put them into the wagon then they had got into the wagon and left Blackwater then Arthur say where to next then Nia say we gotta go to Tumbleweed Saloon then they had went to Tumbleweed then they had got out of the wagon and went inside the Saloon then the bartender say well well well if it ain't Miss Kenway how you been doing then Nia say just find then the bartender say what can I get for you ma'am then Nia say can I get 112 plates of your Chili and 700 plates of your Roast Beef with corn and glazed carrots to go then the bartender say coming right up then he had walked away then Arthur say how does he know you then Nia say me and Edward been here a couple of times then the bartender had camp back with the 112 plates of Chili and 700 plates of Roast Beef with corn and glazed carrots and gave them to Nia then Nia and Arthur had took them and left the Saloon and put them in the wagon and left then Arthur say where to next then Nia say we gotta go back to camp cause we need 800 plates of Pearson's Stew then Arthur had went back to camp then Nia had got out of the wagon and went over to Pearson's wagon then Pearson say what can I do for you Miss Kenway then Nia say I need 800 plates of your Stew then Pearson had fix the plates and give them to Nia then Nia say thanks and walked away and put them on the back of the wagon and got back in the wagon then they had left then Nia say now we gotta go to Grizzlies East region of the Ambarino then Arthur say why then Nia say that is where the Mysterious Hill Home is located then they had headed to the Mysterious Hill Home then Nia had took out the list and was checking things off the list then Arthur say what are you doing then Nia say checking all the Stew that we have off the list then Arthur say did you find out anymore about Jack then Nia say well Bronte us gonna ship him off to Italy then Arthur say why there then Nia say I don't know maybe sell him then Arthur and Nia had got to the Mysterious Hill Home and saw the lady was outside then Nia and Arthur had got out of the wagon then the lady say thank you so much then Nia say you're welcome then Arthur and Nia had unload the wagon and took all the stew in the house for the lady then the lady and paid Nia then Nia had took the money and walked away then lady is that your wife then Arthur say no ma'am she's my girlfriend then the lady say you take good care of her then Arthur say I will then Arthur had walked back to the wagon and got in then they had left then Nia had split the money between her and Arthur then Arthur say keep it then Nia say no you helped me so take it then Arthur had took the money then Arthur and Nia had got back to camp and they saw Edward and John was back as well then John say we got everything off one of the list then Nia say okay that's fine you can put them in the wagon then Nia had walked away and went into camp and went to her tent then Nia changed into her bed clothes then she had looked in the mirror that she had in her tent and saw the mark that Vance gave her then Nia had went to had went to bed and went to sleep

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