chapter 5

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In Shady Belle nobody pov as everyone got to Shady Belle everyone had got out of the wagons and Susan started ordering the girls around then Dutch say Arthur this is a great place then Arthur say Nia found it and fixed it up then Hosea say wait Nia did this she build that house and everything else then Arthur say yup and she got us some weapons as well she made half of them and stole some of them as well then Dutch say and this is why we keep her and Edward around then Arthur had walked away and went over to Nia who was unloading the wagon then Arthur started helping her then Nia had got a crate and took it to Pearson's wagon and set it down and went back to the wagon then Nia say have you ever heard of The Skinner Brothers then Arthur say I heard talk about them I haven't run into any of them then Nia say I would be careful with them then Arthur say why then Nia say The Skinner Brothers are a gang of ruthless killers and thieves who move from place to place to hunt and kill animals and people alike The Skinners are notorious for their cruel and sadistic acts and horrific tortures they're known to among many things scalp dismember disembowel roast and flay people alive, being less like an outlaw gang and more like a cult of deranged serial killers then Arthur say how do you know that then Nia say let's just say me and my brother ran into a few of them and we did some looking around their camps and went found some things then Arthur and Nia finish unloading the wagon then Nia had went into the house and went to her room and put her things down and got settle in then some had knocked on her door then Nia say it's open then Arthur had walked in then Nia had went back to putting her things up then Arthur say you did a real good job at fixing this place up then Nia say thanks then Arthur say how did you get the stuff to do it then Nia say I went into Blackwater and got some things from there and I came back here and fixed the place up even John Abigail and Jack got their own room then Arthur say how did you know how to build a house then Nia say well my father taught me how to build things he also taught Edward as well then Arthur say what happened to him then Nia say he died alone with my mother and ever since than me and Edward has been on our own until Dutch and Hosea found us and took us in then Arthur say I'm sorry then Nia say don't worry about it things happen for a reason then Nia had grab her hat and put it on her head then Arthur say how come you're always wearing gloves then Nia say I been wearing them since I was little then Arthur say is there a reason then Nia say you can say that but I rather not talk about it right now but I will tell you later then Nia had walked out of her room and walked out of the house and stand on the porch then Dutch had walked out of the house and stood beside Nia then Dutch say this is a great place then Nia say thanks then Dutch say did you find out anymore about Jack then Nia say he is in Saint Denis in Bronte's mansion but I also hear him and his men talking about this trolley station Saint Denis then Dutch say you think it's a trap then Nia say of course it is I mean we may think Bronte is a fool but he's no fool he got the whole city of Saint Denis in his hands even the law but it is a bank there I think we can rob it and be gone before anyone know it was us and know you I never leave a trace when I rob something and neither does my brother then Dutch say that is true but what about the trolley station does it has money or something we can rob then Nia say I checked it out before we came out here and I saw a safe and I looked in the safe it's like a few thousands in there but everything else it's nothing there then Hosea and Arthur had walked out of the house and saw Dutch and Nia talking then they had went over to them then Dutch say think you can rob it then Nia say with that many lawman standing on  every corner waiting for something to happened but I think I can go in there and get the money without getting caught then Hosea say what's going on here then Dutch say Nia was just telling me about a trolley station she heard Bronte telling his men then Arthur say you think it's a trap then Dutch say of course it is but Nia here had check out the whole place and she said it's nothing there but it's a safe that has at least a few thousands in there we get that and once we hit that bank they we can leave then Hosea say so we're robbing in a city then Dutch say yes we are then Arthur say I ain't never robbed in a city before then Dutch you'll ride with us then Arthur say always then Hosea say what about Jack then Nia say Bronte has him in his mansion he said that he was gonna ship him off to Italy then Hosea say why there then Nia say I don't know then Hosea say we need a plan to get Jack back then Nia say if we come up with a plan Bronte is gonna see us coming then Arthur say Nia is right then Dutch say we gotta hit him when he at least spacecuts it then Arthur say how then Nia say we find a boat and we can attack him from the water he will never see it coming then Dutch say that can work then Arthur say where are we gonna get a boat then Dutch oh don't you worry I'm sure Nia can get one now back to this plan to get Jack back then Nia say how about you me Arthur and John go and get Jack back but knowing Bronte he gonna want something then Dutch say like what then Nia say I don't know but knowing him he's gonna want something or us to do something for him then Arthur say she's right then Dutch say I guess we'll be ready then Nia had went back in the house and walked downstairs and went outside then she had saw Sadie talking to Edward then Nia had sat in one of the chairs and got her knife out and started sharping it then Arthur had walked out of the house and saw Nia was sitting down sharping her knife then Arthur say what are you about to do now then Nia say nothing I'm just sharping my knife then Arthur say well your coming with me then Nia say where then Arthur say well me and you are gonna check out that trolley station you and Dutch been talking about then Nia say okay then Nia had got up and put her knife away and followed Arthur then they had went over to the horses then Nia had got on Bella and Arthur had got on his horse then Nia say did you ever find a name for your horse then Arthur say no then Nia say you should name her Rosie then Arthur say okay than Rosie it is then they had left camp and went to Saint Denis and went to the trolley station then Nia had picked pocketed all the lawman and took their guns and stuff then they had went to the safe then Arthur say you blow up the safe then Nia say hey you didn't asked how I got in the safe and I didn't blow it up I just blow the lock off cause I didn't felt like breaking the code then Arthur say we better go before the law comes then Nia and Arthur had left the trolley station and got on their horses and went back to camp then they had hitched their horse and walked into camp then Edward say where did yall two went then Arthur say Dutch wanted us to check out this trolley station him and Nia been talking about and your sister is a dangerous woman then Edward say she lives a dangerous live but are yall two still together then Arthur say yeah then Edward and Arthur kept talking then Nia had went into the house and put all the guns she had stole from the law then Hosea had walked out of the room and walked downstairs and saw Nia was at the table and he saw all the gun then Hosea say whatcha got there girly then Nia say guns that I picked pocket from the law then Hosea say well look at you to pick pocketing people and now to pick pocketing lawman I taught you well then Hosea had went outside then Nia had took one of the gun a part then an idea popped into her head then Nia had went upstairs to her room and got some of her arrows and went back downstairs to the table then Nia had got her knife out and put it on the table then Nia had got everything else she need for what she was gonna do and set them on the table then Nia had got the knife from the table and got an arrow from the table and took the blade out of the arrow and she did it with the rest of the arrows then Charles had walked into the house and he had saw Nia working on something and he wanted to know what she was doing then Charles had went over to Nia then Charles say hey whatcha working on then Nia say oh I'm just making a arrow gun and some arrow bullets then Charles say what's the difference between them and regular bullets then Nia say arrow bullets can kill faster than regular bullets then Charles say where did you get the guns from then Nia say stole them from some lawmans then Charles say wow you are good at pick pocketing people then Nia say it's part of being an assassin then Charles say why did you stop I mean your brother told me you were good at it then Nia say because of this scar over my left eye and Edward has been trying to get me back into being an assassin then Charles say you and your brother have an interesting live then Nia say some people say that then Charles say what do you mean then Nia say some people think me and Edward live a dangerous and some people want to know more about us and some just don't care what we do then Charles and Nia kept talking then Arthur had walked into the house and saw Nia and Charles been talking then Arthur had walked over to them then Charles had walked away then Arthur say what are you doing then Nia say making an arrow gun then Arthur say where did you get these guns from then Nia say when we went to check out that trolley station I may have stole all the lawman guns and stuff then Arthur had looked at Nia then Nia say what at least they wasn't shooting at us but do you know where I can get 500 bottle of whiskey and 600 bottle of Moonshine then Arthur say is this on one of your list then Nia say no not this time then Arthur say than why the hell do you need that much then Nia say well it's on a list but it's on my list I made then Arthur say what list then Nia had went into her satchel and got a list out and looked at it and made sure it was her list and it was and gave it to Arthur then Arthur had looked up at the list and back at Nia then Nia say what then Arthur say do you need 500 bottle of whiskey 600 bottle of moonshine 900 bottle of gin 800 bottle of aged pirate rum 700 bottle of Guarma rum 200 bottle of fine brandy 100 bottle of Kentucky bourbon and some animal fat then Nia say yes then Arthur had give the list back to Nia then Arthur say what are you up to now then Nia say nothing and let out a cough then Arthur say come on I'm taking you to the doctor then Nia say I am fine then Arthur say you been coughing like this since we were in Horseshoe Overlook so I'm taking you to a doctor then Nia say why when I am fine then Arthur say you're not fine now let's go then Nia and Arthur had walked out of the house and went over to the horses then Arthur had got on Rosie and helped Nia onto the horse then they had left camp and went to Saint Denis and went to the doctor office then Arthur had hitched Rosie and got off the horse and helped Nia down then they had went into the doctor office then the doctor say how can I help you then Arthur say my wife here as a cough she's had it for a while now then the doctor had took Nia and Arthur into a room then the doctor say sit then Nia had sat in the chair then the doctor had shine a light in Nia's eye which cause Nia eyes to change colors and her eyes were now a grayish color and Arthur had saw it and he never noticed it before then the doctor and turn the light off and Nia eyes went back to her regular color which was green then the doctor say open for me then Nia had open her mouth then the doctor had shine the light in Nia mouth then he had turn the light off then the doctor say I'm afraid you have Tuberculosis the best thing for you to do is rest then the doctor had got an needle then the doctor say I'll give you some morphine it should help for a while then Nia had nodded her head then the doctor had stick Nia with the needle then Nia and Arthur had left then Arthur say you knew you had Tuberculosis then Nia say well I did beat up a guy that had Tuberculosis and I went to the doctor before we left Horseshoe Overlook and he told me I had TB then Arthur say why didn't you tell me then Nia say cause I didn't won't you to worry about me when you go on jobs and stuff then Arthur say it's my job to worry about you when I am on jobs or not on jobs and how am I gonna tell your brother that you have Tuberculosis you know how hurt he's gonna be then Nia say I know and that's why I'm gonna tell him myself when I get back to camp then Arthur had help Nia onto Rosie and he had got on and they had rode back to camp

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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