Chapter 04

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Yet again being compared with woman ,whom I never seen before made me furious. Before when his family reacted. Then i just neglected it thinking' might that woman done something which wasn't good at all. That's why they all are reacting like this. But now since i have came" it's fifth time I've been compared with her that also worse way. I mean I don't know that woman. I never seen her. Leave seeing " i never heard her name. Then why the hell they are comparing me with her. And this arnav Singh raizada.!! What does he think himself. He can't just man handle me all the time. For his son "I'm literally dragged here by him. And then faced humiliated infect got hurt as well. But instead being thankful for not saying anything and behaving normal " this guy is treating me so shit and again and again comparing me with the unknown woman with whom I've mere resemblance. Other than that I don't have any relationship with her. Suddenly I came out from my zone when he squeezed my arm making me yelp in pain.

Where the hell are you lost. I'm asking you something he says un his rude tone making me angry. I grit my teeth and pushes him away making him stumble.

Ok that's enough .... That's enough mr raizada. Don't even dare to man handle me like this ever. If I'm not saying anything. Then that's doesn't mean 'you will do whatever you feel like. Im being polite and nice to you. So you should be thankful for  that. Otherwise the way you are treating me. If someone else would had done same thing. Then by now he would gotten a nice slap on his face. As these slipped from my mouth. I can see his jew clenches while his fist got tighten. But I didn't fear anything and step towards him having stern face.

I didn't say anything to your son. Did you understand I DID NOT. Infect he was the one " who had  approached me. I didn't try to mingle with him. And how can you expect me to trap a child " who is just four years old. He don't even understand things properly. He is just still in phase that where he needs someone genuine 'who could love him and comfort him. And maybe he found that person in me. That's why in few seconds of our meet he got so attached with me that he refused to go to his own father. ( I said last sentence poking my finger on his chest ).

You are lying. You did say something to him. Otherwise he never does this type of behaviour with strangers. I know my son. He is a shy kid. Who always searches place to hide himself. If he sees strangers. He speaks in his crisp voice stepping towards me making me walk back.

Maybe he don't see me as stranger. Maybe he found me better than his own father. That's why he got attached with me more than you. As I said those words he raise his hand to clasp me again but I didn't let him and shove his hand away.

Don't .... I've already warned you. Do not touch me like that. I won't fuckin wait for next second to hit you back. So don't. I gave him warning look and move away bringing good distance from him.

I guess you have problem with me. Infect you hate the fact that your son loves me more than you. That's why you are getting insecure. But trust me. I'm not one of them. Who would snatch others children like this. If you don't want me here. Then it's fine. I should leave. I shouldn't stay between those people " who hates me. Infect if you want I can leave your job as well. That's not issue for me.but I would never ever Try to take your son. Good bye mr raizada. I hope you able to handle zayaan. Saying this I gave him stern look and passed by bim. But I can feel how restless he got"  when I told him I'm leaving. And of course I know why he got tensed. After he very well aware of that his son will not be In right place '' if he got to know I left. Even I don't wanna leave that little child either. But when his father doesn't like my presence. Then why would I stay here. It's better if I leave keeping stone on my heart.

In zayaan's room

I sat besides his sleeping figure and place kiss on his small fingers holding his hand.

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