18. Fate sometimes will hurt

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The cold breeze hitting Scaramouche's skin made the doctor shivered a little. He is covering his face, walking along the sidewalk heading to his home. He was still thinking about Aether's suggestion to make his lover isn't sad about his loss if the disease succumbed into a higher stage. He sighed, trying to find other ways to tell Kazuha about it.

Sure, he is a doctor himself but even doctors is not immune to any diseases. Scaramouche kicked a rock along the way into the drain. A slight 'plop' sound can be heard echoing from it. He wiped out his phone, opening his chat with Kazuha. His finger froze, unable to find any words to say towards the bartender he loved.

He finally canceled his thought, killing his phone and sliding it back into his pocket. Arriving at his front door, he is a bit hesitant to go inside his own house. Scara looked around him. Its just him alone in the street, companied by the whistles from the breeze.

Scara released his own door handle, making his way to his workplace around 500 metres away from his shelter. He pulled up his face mask and rested his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie. His breaths can be heard blowing in a consistent pace, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, letting the gas exchange between his blood happen in his alveolus.


He walked through the doors of the hospital, heading through the receptionist and showed his Doctor's ID as it is a part of the protocol there. The receptionist nodded before letting Scaramouche to go do what he needed to do. Wearing a purple hoodie, Scaramouche walked pass by serval wards housing patients which required warding. Some of them are suffering from a strong fever, some of them got involved in an accident, some of them had health problems due to their age.

But Scaramouche doesn't care about them. He is certain that those patients will most likely recover and continue their life as usual. He is heading for the patients that is fighting for their life, battling against the corrupted cells trying to kill them, the patients that already had a limit set to their age.

He knocked on a room, waiting for a voice allowing him to enter the ward.

"Come in" a deep voice can be heard from the room. Scara took a deep breath before opening the door. An adult around his 40's is sitting on a chair, admiring the night stars outside his window. Multiple tubes was coming out from him, connected to a saline solution and chem fluids by his side.

The man turned around. He seemed to have a brown hair with streaks of gold, wearing a patient's uniform, wearing room slippers and a cup seeping hot tea beside him.

"Ah, Doctor Kunikuzushi. Is it time for my check-up?" The man asked. Scaramouche only let out a warm smile. The patient might be the only person that he allowed to call him by his real name. Scara walked towards the patient, looking at the heart rate monitor on the side of the bed. It is still beeping with the average bpm.

"Mr. Zhongli, you are still not asleep?" Scara questioned. Zhongli let out a sigh before turning back his vision to the window, staring at the night sky with the stars sparkling like glitter.

"I'm afraid I am not sleepy. Watching the beauty of nature is one way for me to pass time for myself" Zhongli replied before taking the cup full of tea, slightly blowing it to cool off the surface and sipping it.

"I see... May I ask you a question, Mr Zhongli?" Scaramouche asked for permission from the man. It seemed like the doctor is desperate for answers to help him. Zhongli turned around, putting his eyes on Scara.

"Of course Doctor. What do you have in mind?" Zhongli questioned, wanting to help Scara with his confusion and thirst for answers to help him.

"First of all, I... I... Have a really bad news.." Scaramouche muttered. Zhongli placed his palms together, letting out a warm smile on his face.

"If you want to talk about my stomach cancer, I am well known about my condition being almost impossible to be treated" Zhongli said. He sounded calm, as if like he already accepted his fate and is prepared to leave this world when his time comes. Scaramouche looked up.

"No, this isn't about your condition. It's just..." Scaramouche's word is at loss. He is too scared to open to his patients that he also have a chronic disease just like them. Zhongli let out a sigh.

"Hesitation will only brew more confusion and burden for you. You can share your problems, doctor." Zhongli said. Scara was at tears. He finally took a deep breath.

"L..Lung cancer made it's way into me..." Scaramouche finally voiced out. Zhongli slowly closed his mouth with his hand, a tad shocked from the news the doctor brought onto him.

"That's... A devastating news indeed. I am sorry doctor" Zhongli muttered, trying to sound as nice as possible towards the doctor who had been treating him for the past 2 months.

"I need your help... How do I tell my partner without damaging his feelings or mental health?" Scaramouche asked. Zhongli stayed silent for a while, he took a sip from his tea before letting out a refreshing sigh of relief. The cleared his throat.

"There is no loss that leads to the lack of melancholy. But, do you value your partner's long term feelings?" Zhongli asked. Scaramouche nodded, agreeing to what Zhongli said.

"Then, you must go to him and tell him the truth. Defamation will only brew anger, sadness and depression to your partner" Zhongli said more. Scaramouche had his body shaking all over.

"But...that will just make him sad..." Scaramouche replied back, staring down at the floor. Zhongli let out a stream of warm breath from his nose before slowly standing up, pulling the chemicals with him as he pats on Scara's shoulders.

"I myself was also devastated at the first time when I received the news that I will die sooner than I thought. I was filled with wrath at the time, but no matter how hard I do, fate is unchangeable" Zhongli whispered. He looked around the room, taking in a deep breath as he closed his eyes.

"But as I accepted my own fate, a calming sensation sparked inside me. After days, weeks and months now, I am finally at peace. I had no wrath or denial anymore" Zhongli said. He looked at Scaramouche in the eyes as their vision clashed.

"Fate sometimes will hurt. No matter what you do, you must accept fate. Go spend more time with your partner, exchange stories, eat and laugh together. Supply him with as many memories as you can" Zhongli said. Scaramouche had a tear rolling down from his eyelids.

"But...what if he only gets sadder? You know...those beautiful memories...he is unable to experience them anymore..?" Scaramouche asked. Zhongli sat back down onto his chair, holding his cup of tea.

"If he truly loves you, he will cherish it. Smiling everyday knowing that you are always with him" Zhongli replied with a warm smile. A cold wind breezed through the curtains in the room, making them float around for a few seconds.

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