19. You're turning me on...

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It's been a week since the last time Kazuha saw Scaramouche. He is still able to talk with him but knowing him as a doctor, he cannot hope that Scaramouche will be replying to him 24/7.

Kazuha slides a freshly made mojito towards a patron sitting across the counter. He went back to his spot, leaning against the counter and started polishing the dirty glasses. There is a lot of customers in the establishment as they were longing for Kazuha's touch to the drinks they always consume.

Venti is just sitting infront of Kazuha, holding a bottle of wine while Freminet had his eyes glued to his phone, scrolling through his timeline. He had grew fond of the atmosphere in the bar and finally understood why Lyney always spend his time there after a tiring day. 

"How's Scara doing right now Kazuha?" Venti asked. Kazuha lifted up his shoulders, letting out a 'meh' sound before placing the sparkling glass into the freezer.

"Pretty nice. But you know a doctor he is. Not that I have an issue or anything" Kazuha muttered. He sat down on a stool, watching at the television across the establishment. The patrons nearby it was watching a badminton match. He let out a small smile as Team Inazuma is leading 19-12 to Team Natlan. 

"I still can't convince my sister to come here... It's a nice place" Freminet whispered slowly. Venti and Kazuha only nodded, knowing Freminet's introvert side. Venti took an another chug from the bottle, resting his head onto the counter. He hiccupped as the alcohol began to burn inside his stomach.

The doorbell rang. Kazuha, Venti and Freminet turned their attention towards the door, Kazuha's eyes sparkled up as he saw the purple haired individual he loved. Scaramouche puts up a smile on his face and walked towards the counter, sitting beside Freminet.

"The usual please Zuzu" Scara called Kazuha by his 'cute' name. Kazuha closed his face, slightly blushing before going to the back of the counter and muddled some ginger to make the drink Scara wanted. Scara shifted his attention towards Freminet, patting his shoulder.

"How is our little fighter doing?" Scara teased Freminet a little. Freminet was flustered, covering half of his face with his phone. He only nodded, not letting out a single word from his mouth. Scara chuckled, looking at Venti who is already as drunk as a fish. 

Kazuha slides a ginger ale towards Scaramouche. Scara placed a bill and took a sip from the drink, his eyes rolled back as he longed for the heavenly balanced taste from the drink he was holding. It tasted a lot better from the drinks he had from his trip to Sumeru and QnQ bar. 

"Tastes like heaven. Thank you my love" Scaramouche said the last word with a chuckle. Kazuha felt his face warming up. He never saw Scara being very flirty towards him.  He leaned forward, grabbed Scaramouche's hoodie before pulling it towards him. His breaths clashed with Scaramouche's, letting out a smug expression.

"You're turning me on doc. Like a drug...you are addictive to me~" Kazuha cooed. Scaramouche chuckled, never expecting Kazuha to be quite wild at their first meeting after a week. A pair of hands suddenly broke them apart, pushing them away from each other.

"Okay okay, that's enough. Geez, you guys drink Aphrodisiac before this or what?" Tighnari suddenly emerges out of nowhere, breaking the intense heat between the two lover. He looked at Scaramouche with a disappointed face.

"You, just because you take half salary now doesn't mean you can go all free as you please" Tighnari scolded Scara. Scara rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed from the distruption. Kazuha on the other hand was confused.

"Wait, why do you mean half salary?" Kazuha asked. Scaramouche looked at Tighnari. He sighed and nodded, seeming like giving permission towards Tighnari. Tighnari looked towards Kazuha.

"Your boyfriend here will be given release from his work for a while. He will be paid half of his salary even though he didn't come to work. However, he is required to come if any emergency requires his attention" Tighnari explained. Kazuha's eyes sparkled.

"Ooh, I see. So, you don't have any excuses to not being with me now, right Doc?" Kazuha looked towards Scaramouche. Scara tittered, taking a sip from his drink.

"I am already planning to spend time with you anyways. So, you better be prepared" Scara purposely deepen his tone at the final statement. Kazuha blushed, trying to think if Scara meant it metaphorically or literally. A group of patrons called Kazuha from far away. Kazuha excused himself before going to attend the group.

As Kazuha leaves, Tighnari and Scara looked at each other. Scara's eyes seemed like he is in a sad mood. Tighnari straightens his lips, feeling a bit sorry for Scaramouche. Kazuha still didn't know anything about Scaramouche's disease. Those flirts and sweet talks were just an act to feed Kazuha's feelings so that they won't get hurt. Tighnari pats Scara's shoulders

"You know that he must know the truth as soon as possible before it is too late right?" Tighnari whispered. Scara lifted up his shoulders, sipping on the drink.

"I am not ready yet.... He seemed to be in heat tonight. It's not a good timing to tell him that" Scaramouche replied back with a whisper. Tighnari smacked Scara's head jokingly.

"You're dying and you still want to try breed a male. Biology had failed you" Tighnari said in a sarcastic tone. Scaramouche chuckled, accepting some truths behind Tighnari's words.


The rain suddenly emerges as Kazuha and Scara entered the elevator. Both of them were holding hands, standing in the middle of the elevator. Venti is just standing in the corner, hanging on to the railings at the elevator's wall, trying not to fall down. Scara coughed a bit, feeling a small sharp pain in his lungs. Kazuha paid little attention to it, thinking that it is just a normal cough from the sudden change of weather.

The elevator finally stops. The trio walked out from the lift, waving their goodbyes before entering their own units. Kazuha took off his white hoodie and placed it at the coat hanger. Kazuha turned around and saw Scaramouche closing all the curtains. Scara looked at Kazuha, licking his lips.

Kazuha let out a smug before walking towards Scaramouche and embraced the doctor as their lips met against each other. Scara's lips were as soft as a cotton. He could feel a warm tongue poking through his mouth, asking for permission to go inside.

Kazuha opened his mouth, letting Scara to explore him. The foreign tongue clashed with his, touching and dancing together. Scaramouche pulled Kazuha closer as he began to make sure every part of Kazuha's mouth was touched by his tongue. The bartender tasted like sweet cherries which made Scara got addicted to it.

A couple of minutes later, the couple broke the kiss, leaving a trail of saliva between them. The two lovers panted, catching their breath as their eyes clashed against each other.

"Let's bring this to the bedroom.." Kazuha whispered slowly. Scaramouche let out a small grin before lifting the bartender up and brought him to the bedroom, locking the door behind them.

The freezing temperature from the air conditioner and the rainy night was countered by the intense heat between the two lovers. The sweet moans from Kazuha's mouth felt like music to Scara. They both continued their sinful act on the bed, spending their time together, expression their love and desire among one another.


Tighnari just finished writing his report on a recent patient. He printed the documents and leaned back on his chair while the printer does it's job. Tighnari stared at the ceiling fan spinning on top of him, trying to follow one specific blade spinning around. He sighed, placing his face into his palm.

The printer spat out the final paper to be printed. Tighnari grabbed the documents and stapled it together. He looked at the patient's information on the document.

"Is there a hope for him to recover if I do a lobectomy surgery...? It's a high risk but..." Tighnari thought to himself. Scara's passport sized picture can be seen slightly smiling on the document. Tighnari sighed as he stood up.

"Just be hopeful... Everything is fine... Everything is fine..." Tighnari repeated the same words to himself as he walked out from the room, wanting to get some coffee for himself. The analog clock on the wall showed that it was 2.36am.

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