Journey Genesis P.1

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I grunted as a strong stinging pain hit my head. I rubbed my head with my left hand, then opened my blurry eyes. I wiped over my eyes and opened them.


I saw the blue sky, littered with a few dotted clouds, it was sunny but I could feel a cold breeze as it rustled the leafs above me. I slowly moved my body, my muscles aching, fighting against my wishes to stretch them out of their comfort zone. As I sat up and looked around, all I saw were trees.

"Where am I?"

I couldn't tell what this place was, or...

I stood up, and looked at my hands.

'There's no point in thinking about it.'

I thought to myself, before touching the nearest tree. I could feel it's rough texture from the bark and the bumps formed from the moss growing on it. The leaves left drops of water as my hand traced across them. I looked down and saw my clothes. A leather vest, and linen pants were the distinguishing factors. On my belt I had a knife sheathe. I took it out and unsheathed it only to see that the blade was rusted and blunt.

'It probably won't come to use.'

I looked around. I don't know what I could or should do, but for now- I can walk. I decided to just walk in one direction, getting somewhere. It didn't matter where necessarily.

As I walked through the forest, I couldn't help but observe the scenery around me. The trees stood tall like giants reaching towards the sky. Their thick trunks were lined with moss and lichen, growing in patches and sometimes covering entire areas. The ground was soft, but muddy in some spots as I stepped on it. I noticed the occasional foal wandering about- By following one of them I came upon a stream of water; My parched throat gleefully accepted the invitation. The water was clear as a cloudless sky.

After what felt like hours I stumbled on a road, mostly dirt- Yet there were indications of this road being better maintained by the presence of a few odd bricks and rocks embedded in its path. I followed it for a bit until I saw smoke rising in the distance.

'Maybe someone could help me there.'

I followed the path for just a few minutes before a figure appeared in the distance. I stood in place as I saw it swiftly approaching me- I couldn't quite make it out from a distance, it had appeared from beyond the thicket of trees that obscured anything beyond a couple hundred meters. But, soon I understood it was a horse, with what appeared to be a human on its back. It seemed luck was on my side, I wouldn't have thought these roads were used much considering their state.

Once the horseman had made his way closer, at a blistering pace- He seemed to be working his steed to the bone.

"Hey! May I request your assistance?!" I shouted as he approached.

I stood in the middle of the road, waving my hands upwards hoping to get his attention. The horseman didn't appear to have heard my request but he should see me as he came near.

"Hello!" I shouted once more.

The horseman didn't appear to slow down as he came dangerously close. The sound of the horse galloping became louder and louder right before I jumped out of the way.

"?????... RUN... ????" I barely made out the single word the horseman roared as he faded into the distance.

I got myself up on my feet and patted the dirt off myself.

"What was that about..." I murmured.

It perplexed me how hurried that man was, even if it was an important errand; It could have been of great help to me for him to answer at least one question- I'm certain his horse would have enjoyed the momentary respite. But, I guess fortune simply wasn't smiling upon me today. I shrugged it off and continued walking towards the smoke. I marched onward, kicking a few rocks on the way until I saw a group of men walking on the path.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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