Chapter 6: Bee's Loyalty

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"Okay, Lemme get this straight-"

Bee, Homer, Maggie, and Lisa were now in the shallows of the cave, sheltered from the pouring rain and thunder outside. Bee was awfully confused at what Homer had just explained to her.

"...this canyon used to be a town...that exploded....and the coyotes are your dead children...and they want revenge on Russ Cargill?"

Homer stroked the two pups resting on his lap, and they shuffled and mumbled comfortably. "And uhh...I guess so? Maybe? Pretty much? I mean, only three of the pups are actually mine. Bart, and these two right here!"

Bee blinked. "Uhmmm...Homer...I know it's probably very hard to process the death of your family, but...this...none of this is possi-"

Ass Bee stated this, Lisa rolled her eyes inwardly and suddenly vanished from her spot on Homer's lap with a POOF!

Bee froze, her mouth was now agape with shock. Before she could react any more, Lisa reappeared on her lap and looked up at her with a smug expression.


"See?" Homer held out his hands, "I'm not crazy! The pups ARE ghosts!"

Bee looked down at the pup on her lap with a mixture of surprise and curiosity in her eyes. "Well I'll be damned..."

Lisa nuzzled Bee's hand until it was on top of her head. Bee gently began to stroke it.

"Ok...there's definitely something going on I believe it?"

She thought for a moment, then smiled.

"Ok, I can believe it!"

Homer sighed with relief. "Oh, thank goodness. But wait...You're really gonna believe me that quickly?"

Bee nodded. "Of course! I mean, your story sounded crazy at first...but I trust you, Homer. Even if I didn't believe you, I would know there's no way you'd be lying with ill intent...grief can take you to crazy places, I know that's for sure. But I think that what I just witnessed is enough for me to know what really happened."

She smiled down at Lisa, who smiled back and wagged her tail slightly.

Sadness then crept on to Bee's face. " also means that I have to accept that I've been blindly working for such horrid people this whole time. How could someone blow up a whole city, with CHILDREN and BABIES, because of the mistakes of one person? No offense."

Homer shrugged. "None taken."

Bee bounced the coyote pup on her lap up and down slightly, and sighed. "It was also wrong of the people to come after your entire family. I can imagine that any children that were a part of that mob were probably manipulated by the adults, who probably weren't thinking clearly because of what was going on. But that still doesn't make it okay. They still didn't deserve to die in such an awful way."

"I guess not..." Homer adverted his gaze from Bee slightly.

Bee looked up at Homer questioningly and stopped petting Lisa. "Well, what're you gonna do about Cargill? Are you gonna...kill him? How're you gonna find him? He's a very powerful person, from what I've heard."

Homer paused for a moment. He actually hadn't really thought about HOW he was gonna get to Russ, he mainly just fantasized of killing him. In very violent fashions.

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