98) NSFW

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After a fifth circle-of-hell amount of time the song finally ends, and Brett feels like he'll pass out or scream if he doesn't get his hands on Eddy soon. He doesn't give Eddy time to catch his breath and takes three swift steps towards him, grabs him by the collar of his shirt and kisses his breathless mouth.

It's a good kiss, solid and hot, and Brett wraps his arms around his waist, pulling him in. He can't decide where to put his hands, because he wants to put them everywhere at once.
"God!" he groans in exasperation and shoves a very confused Eddy backward by the shoulders towards the couch. Brett makes a serious show of looking him up and down. "You look... You look.." So many terms pop into his head that he can't decide which one to use and he raises his eyebrows in a mad frown. "This is outright ridiculous!"

Eddy colours. "Oh. Erm. Sorry. I-?" He fumbles with his buttons to fasten them, clearly misunderstanding Brett's words as something negative.

"What? No! Don't!" Brett says, way too loudly. It makes Eddy freeze, standing there with his hands on his buttons still, looking up at him through his long lashes, his lips plump and cherry as if he doesn't know that that makes Brett's head steams even more and Brett wants to pound him so much it hurts.

"Oh my God, don't do that! I can't look at you without-"
Eddy frowns, worry lines in his fore-head. Even though Brett's brain is a pile of burned through synapses, forming a heap of mush instead of a working machine, until it's a wonder he can still stand, he notices Eddy's discomfort and tries to explain himself.
"No, Jesus, I just meant-" Brett tries, but he still can't finish his sentence. All he knows for certain is that he's going to die if he's not getting Eddy close within a second and hopes Eddy will understand. "Just, come here. Fuck."

"I'm quite confused."

"Me fucking too." Brett answers, profoundly suffering for something he must have done wrong in a previous life. "Listen, I don't know why, but this whole thing," he gestures at Eddy's entire physical presence, "is really doing it for me, so, I just need to-, just need to-" Without any further ceremony, he drops to his knees and starts undoing Eddy's belt, tugging frantically at the fastenings of Eddy's pants.

"Oh!" Eddy exclaims as he starts understanding Brett's perspective at last.

"Yeah." Brett agrees and pulls Eddy's boxers down in a fluent movement. He looks up, Eddy's face flushed and transfixed on him, his lips parted. He grows rapidly under Brett's touch. "Yeah?" he asks hoarsely. He must have explicit permission to do what he wants to do in a mere second. It almost hurts to look at Eddy, his eyes blown dark, all his focus wide open for him. He seems to take his time to answer, but after what seems minutes but in reality must have been only a second, he nods and finally Brett closes his lips around him with a deep sigh, swallowing him down as far as he can on the first try.

"Jesus!" Eddy exclaims when Brett moves up and down like there is no tomorrow. "Fuck! What's gotten into you!"
Brett doesn't explain, doesn't even hear the last sentence. All his attention is on the velvet hardness he's sucking. It's fast and dirty and Eddy is swearing up a storm. It only urges Brett to speed up. Eddy entwines his fingers in Brett's hair and guides his pace. It doesn't take long before Eddy grunts deeply and his belly starts to quiver.
"Fuck! Brett!" Eddy calls out loudly and it takes only another flick of Brett's tongue for him to start pulsing and shivering.

As soon as Eddy's finished, the last quiver gone, he takes Brett's chin between his fingers, pulls him up and kisses his mouth aggressively. He wraps his arms around him and turns them around in a fluent movement. He's got Brett on the couch and out of his pants within seconds and is already on his neck kissing. He sucks small red spots all the way over his neck, his collar bone, his solar plexus, and then his tongue trails the rim of his navel, pushing the tip teasingly into the hole. The buttons of Eddy's white shirt scrape against Brett's very rigid interest and Brett thinks he'll possibly lose his mind. Finally Eddy crouches down between his legs and puts his mouth to use in turn. Brett looks at him through a haze as he watches the bobbing of his head in front of him, the deep, dark, shining eyes locked tightly with his. Now it's his turn to fist Eddy's hair and it takes only an embarrassingly few moves up and down to make him follow Eddy's example as he blows fast and hard.

"Holy fuck!" Brett manages breathlessly as he finally coming down from his frenzy. He's utterly destroyed and slumping against the backrest of the couch, boneless and satiated. He pulls Eddy into a deep and lingering kiss, minutes stretching he decides not to count. Once they let go, breathless and satiated, Eddy scrapes his throat.

"So? I guess you liked me dancing?" he asks shyly.

"Fuck, yeah." Brett drags his fingers over Eddy's bare back, the white shirt a satisfyingly wrinkled mess. "How can you move like that? No, better phrased: how can you move like that?!" The thought alone makes his insides twitch. "You dancing? It's really something." He puts a finger under Eddy's chin and tips it up to look straight into Eddy's eyes. "Promiss me you won't dance like this in front of anyone else. I'll go green with jealousy or, and maybe even more embarrassing, I'll jump your bones right there, not caring where we are. Seriously."

Eddy chuckles and snuggles deeper into the crook of his shoulder. He stays silent for a minute.
"Thank you." Eddy says softly, his voice muffled against Brett's neck. "I was so nervous before."

"Nothing to thank me for, sweetheart." He kisses Eddy's head. "Thank you for showing me."

Suddenly a loud rumbling sounds through the room and Eddy, the one it's evidently coming from, looks up in alarm. Brett chuckles. "Someone is hungry." he teases as he trails a finger over Eddy's belly. "Let's zap the food left in the microwave and eat?"

Eddy smiles gratefully. "Yeah. Now I can eat."

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