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"Eddy?" Brett lies sideways on the couch in Eddy's living room. It's dark outside, the curtains drawn shut an hour ago. He looks at the clock and sighs. He has to go to his own place in approximately half an hour. Not that he would like to, but because he has to. The piece he has to practice is long overdue, so if he doesn't practice tomorrow morning he'll have to sightread it in front of the conductor and the whole orchestra. He almost considers it, because it's so hard to leave when you have an Eddy plastered against your chest and you've been trailing infinity marks with your fingers on his arm for the last thirty minutes. Especially when, surprisingly enough, that Eddy doesn't squirm under the touch. He's so ticklish, but Brett has finally gotten the ratio of touch just-enough-weight to just-as-feathery-light perfect now. He couldn't be more proud.

"Hmmm?" Eddy says lazily.

"I wanna ask you something." He says it casually, not at all like it's something he has been thinking about for the last two weeks. And although he doesn't want to ruin the mood by bringing this up, he has to ask now, because time is running out. It's about the Club, you see, 3 days from now, and he doesn't want to repeat what happened two weeks ago, with Eddy running out sick. He would hate to quit going to the Club, but any time he steps foot in there girls will try to hook up with him. First and foremost that needs to stop, and he's thought of a way to make it. It'll take a lot of courage from Eddy, though.

"Okay?" Eddy says absentmindedly, watching the television with half of his interest. Neither of them have been paying attention, their thoughts occupied with memories from earlier that evening and Brett wondering how to bring up the current topic.

"This Saturday. We'll go to the Club, right?"
The word 'Club' hasn't even left Brett's mouth fully and Eddy stiffens immediately. Brett sighs. Right. The next visit to the Club has to be good, or Eddy will never set a foot in that particular dance establishment again. Probably. Maybe, hopefully, after Saturday he will like it more?

"Yeah. That was the plan?" Eddy ask cautiously.

"Listen. I want people to see that you are mine. But even more that I'm yours." Brett keeps on drawing the two connected circles up and down, hoping that the touch is grounding Eddy. "So that there won't be any more girls flinging themselves at me."

"Well that would be nice for a change." Eddy shifts so he can look at Brett. "But how? You have something in mind?"

"Uhu. Sooo..." Another circle up and down. This is it. How will he react? "I want to make a display, close to being obscene, of kissing you in the centre of the dancefloor." he states bluntly, because there is no way of telling this with kid gloves on? He knows what people will think when they'll do it like that. At first they will be shocked. Next the gossip network will do the rest and then it's done. "If that's all right with you?" He watches Eddy's reaction closely, because he knows very well that Eddy doesn't like to be the centre of attention. And he'll certainly will be if they are doing that.

A shiver runs over Eddy's body. "Urg. Kissing in the centre? Me and you?"

"Of course me and you. Or would you rather want me to do that with someone else than you then?" Brett quips, evoking a small chuckle out of Eddy, relieving some of the tension that was floating in the air.

"God, no." Eddy considers for a long moment and takes a deep breath before he continues. "You seriously think that will do it?"

"Probably." Brett tries to sound sure of himself, because it will be, right? It has to be, because how else will they convince others he's not available anymore? "Well, maybe. I hope so. I don't exactly know how else we should do it." He says more truthfully. "I'm quite certain that I'll know when we are there though. So I'm asking you to trust me in this and follow my lead. Please?"
Brett knows he's asking a lot from Eddy, but it's the only way.
Minutes pass and then, finally, Eddy nods. Thank God.

"Okay. I'll trust you on this. I'll follow your lead." He looks very concerned. "I'm scared shitless, though. Already. I thought I would have some peace of mind after the last couple of days stressing about dancing here in front of you. Now you're asking me to dance in front of everyone and their dog and kiss you to boot?" Brett sees Eddy is already getting worked up about it. "Or something else that might be worse even, because you're going to see what would be best. I can't say that's not fucking with my head."

"Please. Don't worry about that. I will never ask or do something you wouldn't want. You know that, right?"
Eddy looks at him closely, then nods again and with a deep sigh he lies himself against Brett again. So that's it? Eddy is okay with this? Brett kisses Eddy's head. Well... mostly okay then.
"I'm glad you're speaking your anxiety instead of fretting over it like you did last couple of days. Promise me that if you are, later, you'll tell or message me?" Brett coaxes. Eddy sighs. "Eddy. Please? Promise me. Don't fret and talk to me if you are worrying?"

Eddy takes a deep breath. "Alright." he promises in a soft voice.

"It'll be okay, my sweet Eddy."
Brett doesn't know if he says this to comfort Eddy or himself. Because is he really sure?

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