- Chapter 5 -

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I release a nervous giggle and shake my head. "No, sorry. I'm not." I pause as I look around the room in front of me. "I could never be this person."

Her eyes hold mine and I desperately hope she can't read my mind, because deep down this just may be the most exciting damn escape plan I've ever seen. Five grand a night to get dressed up in designer evening wear, drink cocktails, and then seduce a hot, rich person in a luxurious penthouse without the fear of anyone ever finding out. No judgement, no boundaries.

I can definitely think of worse ways to go.

"I would like to take the bar position, please," I announce.

Without replying, her eyes stay fixed firmly on mine.

She knows I'm tempted to give it a try.

What if Owen ever found out?

With renewed purpose, I walk toward the door. "Thank you for the offer, though. It was very kind. When would you like me to start on the bar?" I ask confidently.

She hesitates before answering. "Wednesday night?" she finally concedes.

I smile broadly and turn to shake her hand. "You got yourself a deal."

* * *

I wake to the feel of small warm arms around my ribs from behind. My bed partner has stuck to his usual routine. Every night, Owen crawls into bed with me. I never know exactly how or when he comes in. I just know that some time between night and morning I will feel his little arms cuddling my back and he stays there until I wake.

He kisses my back through my pajamas and I smile with my eyes still closed. "Morning, Owie," I whisper sleepily.

"Hi, Mom," his husky little voice replies.

I roll onto my back and put my arm underneath his head, my eyes are still closed. "I thought we were going to try and sleep in your bed all night. Remember, we were going to buy you a new truck if you did?" I murmur. I've stooped to bribery, but at this point I will do whatever it takes.

"I just don't like it in there," he announces.

"Hmm." I sigh with my eyes still closed. I lean and kiss his forehead. "What's on today, buddy?"


"Yeah. Okay." I doze for a moment. "Mommy's tired today"

"Rise and shine," Ashley's perky voice echoes through the room. She opens the drapes and the sun comes blazing through.

"Oh, go away," I moan as I cover my eyes. "What time is it?"

"Wake up time." She smiles as she stands at the end of the bed with her hands on her hips. "This time tomorrow you would have been at the hospital for an hour by now."

I frown. "Don't remind me. I'm trying to forget." I instantly feel my nerves rise in the pit of my stomach.

Owen hops out of bed and disappears up the hall. Ashley lies down next to me on top of the covers. "We have to go shopping and buy you some new work clothes."

"Yeah, I know."

"So?" She leans up onto her elbow to look down at me.


"How was it?"

I rub my eyes with my two hands as I yawn. "It was pretty good, actually."

She raises her eyebrows in surprise.

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