Chapter 55

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I don't deal well with confrontation or conflict when it involves defending myself. When it is about my family or my boys though, I'll shove my unconfrontational feelings aside and woman up to protect my own. I still don't understand why I am the way I am.

It also made me realize only recently how Max has some of the same traits I have, and It's been better since his dad has been in his life, but he's not yet fully there.

I'm currently sitting in the bath with Matteo sitting behind me deep in thought. He only asked me once, If I was in any pain, to which I lied and said I wasn't, but my throat was a little swollen and sore when I swallowed and my face is luckily fine, just a light tinge of red.

Why I hide the truth, I have no clue.

Matteo was silent after I explained to everyone who Jackson was and what he did. You could see the steam come out from mom's ears at how upset she was.

The problem is, I know who my family is and what they are capable of, and even though Jackson hurt me, I do not want anyone to lose their life because of me. I help people and save their lives even if they're my enemies because I took an oath. I don't have the heart to take a life or hurt people.

I made it clear to everyone when I arrived that they cannot harm the guy physically and all of them agreed.

Matteo and I got out of the bath and dressed for bed. It's 3:00 in the morning and I need to get some sleep before I must head to the hospital to do rounds. I'm glad I pushed through and performed all surgeries yesterday, because I don't think I would have the stamina to be on my feet for more than an hour.

I was so tired that I didn't realize when I fell asleep with Matteo cuddled up next to me, caressing my hair.


Matteo's Pov

After making 100% sure that Daniella was asleep, I got dressed, rubbed some ointment on Daniella's throat that had purple finger marks on them and headed downstairs where I found Chase and Rafael dressed in all black about to head out the front door.

"Where are you headed?" I asked, as both of them froze in their tracks at the door then slowly turned around like cats that were caught stealing milk. If I weren't so pissed I would have laughed my ass off because they looked freaking funny. They glanced back as their eyes raked over my attire, then at theirs, then back at mine. All black, these were real Mafia men for sure.

"Well," Chase said, glancing in Rafael's direction "we're about to go see a man about a plan. Wanna come with us?" he asked, cracking his knuckles.

Are these fuckers really about to go do the same thing I was on my way to do?

"Where were you headed?" Rafael asked, as we climbed into one of the three awaiting vehicles that also had people in, which I assumed to be guards.

"Well, I think the man with the plan require some discipline, but why didn't you let me know you're going?" I asked, feeling a little disappointed that they wouldn't ask me to join them.

"You were busy comforting our sister and that's what she needed, but I couldn't sleep with the thought that, that scum is walking around outside after what he did to her" Chase said.

"Did you guys get his location?" I asked, because I was about to ask Gio to send me the location.

"Yup, he just arrived at a club in the city" Rafael answered.

"Fuck! I'm supposed to be dead. How the fuck will I get into the club without being noticed and I really want a piece of him.

"Don't worry, you will get your piece of him" Chase said, as we drove into the city.

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