Chapter 58

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Amanda's Pov

I love my grandkids so much and I've loved them since the moment I first laid eyes on them, though our first meetings were awkward because of my previously enslaved mindset.

I stood over my brave grandson who was sporting a swollen black and blue face, busted lip, sprained wrist and ankle, a cracked rib and a few missing nails, which was the result of him fighting them off, a mere child. Luckily, there is no internal bleeding. How could grown humans do this to an innocent child and push him to the level that he had to take the lives of others; I cannot comprehend.

The girls were black and blue all over their bodies due to being manhandled, beaten and thrown around.

All their injuries will heal in due time, but my heart will take a little longer to heal.

I feel like my heart had been ripped out of my chest when they informed us that he had taken the lives of two people. At such a young age, he will be carrying such a horrible burden instead of just being a child. These monsters had no regard for life itself and gave so many kids no choice in being kids.

Vile isn't even the correct word to describe them by and their deeds. Ripping the futures of so many kids away from them.

I made sure to click a few pictures of Dylan and Alessia's conditions and memorized every inch of their bodies that had been hurt.

I have always been the quiet, observant one, not wanting to offend anyone and staying in my lane being treated like a child by Isaacs family. I was treated like a 'by the way' and I allowed it because I was like a hungry fool to belong and be part of the famous Giordano family, even though I got nothing but heart ache and disappointment from them. I carried it like a chip on my shoulder, even though my husband had never been the faithful one and the embarrassing part if that I knew about his infidelity. The cheap perfume smell on him, clothes with lipstick stains and the smell of sex after a drunken night out or after he returned from his so-called work trips. I had what many women wishing they could have the ring and to be married to him. If only they knew, they had him all along and that I was the loser in this game.

Since my sudden divorce and living with the Harris's for our safety, I realized that I was chasing a fantasy that turned into a cruel nightmare with the Giordano's. It had to happen sooner rather than later, though, or how else would we learn and how else would I discover what real love is?

The only good thing that came out of all this with them was my kids and I would do it all over again, if it meant I got to be their mother once more.

Everyone has been at the hospital with Dylan since early this morning and the sun is already busy setting. We didn't even realize how quickly the time went by. Dylan had been discharged and Daniella was busy packing up his things so that he could head home. That's the perk when mom is a doctor.

Vito and Gio turned up earlier and I need them If my plan is going to work.

"Vito" I mentioned his name, gaining Vito's attention "can I talk to you really quick?" I asked, gaining a nod from him and we walked out of the room into the quiet corridor.

"Where is your uncle now?" I asked, as we stood side by side with our backs against the wall, staring into another wall.

"They should all be at Aunt Catarina's house for Uncle Douglas's birthday" he answered, giving me questioning glances, but I ignored them.

"Can we go get a coffee somewhere and talk? You, Gio and I?" I added.

"Yeah, of course. Let me go say goodbye and get Gio" he answered. Vito and Gio wanted to confront their families' countless times, but we made sure to remind them of the bigger purpose. To put an end to things once and for all.

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