Chapter 57

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Matteo's Pov

A wise man once said, be careful who you let onto your ship, because some people will sink the whole ship, just because they can't be the captain.

Such profound words to digest to those who are ready to hear the truth about letting people in their lives.

My father, who so eagerly kicked us out, the people who looked up to him, without a second thought and without us even seeing where or why he was doing it, took on another captain to steer his ship.

They had to get rid of me to take control of the ship and it began with forcing me to marry the town whore who was screwing everyone in the city that had status, power and lots of money. He knew if I married Gina that it wouldn't be long before I would be pre-occupied with her scandals, and he would be pressured by his wife to hand over the title to his eldest son because the title normally goes to the first born, but they had to be married.

He, his wife, and his children are involved in so much evil that I'm too ashamed to regurgitate it on his behalf. I always felt uncomfortable being part of the Mafia due to all the bad things you had to subject yourself to in order to remain on top of the food chain.

It never sat well in my soul, that's why after discovering Daniella, Dylan and Max's existence, leaving the Mafia came as an opportunity to have a normal life and be the best father and husband. I got to marry a remarkably beautiful woman that haven't walked through life unscathed, but that's what makes her perfect. She is who she is and doesn't keep up appearances to appease others.

I know she isn't happy with the dangers that lurk around every corner and now the stress of our boys being in evil people's hands on top of it.

I still intend to live out my dream of growing my business bigger than what it currently is as soon as I expose myself again to the Giordano's. The rest of the Giordano family, besides Gio and Vito thinks I'm crazy to turn my back on the family, but sometimes you have to leave, not for ego, but for self-respect as many of them lack that one vital part of being a family.

Since trying to sneak out of the Harris household that one morning after my drunk escapade that ended with me in my son's bed, the Harris's has restructured my brain chemistry with all the love, respect and recognition they have for everyone they interact with and that includes their staff. That's why they are so respected amongst many.

My mother in-law is truly the glue that keeps this family together. She's tough as nails and her husband, my father in-law loves her with all his heart, that can also be seen in his actions and the way he stares at her like she's the newest show pony on the course, even after all these years. My relationship with their daughter is already headed in that direction because they are the perfect example of what a marriage should be like.

I think I've never known unconditional love until I met them and the same with my mother. She realized that she had to be a better mother for her kids when my father wasn't there as we thought a father should be.

That's why I'm thankful daily that Daniella was the woman I had a one-night stand with instead of someone else.

We just arrived at the location, which is 2 minutes away from the harbor, to discuss the game plan before heading in. I gave up smoking but had to nick one of Julian's to calm my nerves. Time is of the essence and lives are at stake.

I hold so much anger in me that I feel sorry for the people I'm about to face. I feel sorry for my father for what I will do to him after I'm done saving my son and family. I still can't get over the fact that he would go to the extent to harm his own flesh and blood.

I guess I never knew him.

The rest of the cars pulled into the lot and all fifty men of the men formed a big circle. All of them are ripped and you can see these eastern Europeans are down for business and not to be toyed with. I could clearly see the difference between the Italians and them, they are mentally more focused, and trust is a huge factor. Most of them have been in this business for generations and each family within the Albanian Mafia manage a faction under the Hyseni's and is well looked after. Not like my family setup at all.

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