In the blink of an eye

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"Leah, please let me explain." You scramble up, your heart pounding in your chest, anxiety twisting your words. "What did you mean that you're my sister?"
The look of confusion spreads across Leah's face like a shadow, her features contorting with disbelief. "I did a DNA test. You came up as a match. It said you were my sister." The whole tunnel falls into an eerie silence, thick with tension. "Please tell me you're not lying."
The tears that leave Leah's eyes sting like a punch to your gut. She thinks you're lying. "I kinda wish I was," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. She just stares at you, emotions swirling in her eyes, a storm of uncertainty and hope.
"You're not lying, are you? You are really my sister?" Leah's voice trembles with emotion, her words a plea for truth. Guilt washes over you like a crashing wave. You've known for six weeks, and you hadn't told her. You just nod, unable to find the words to say.
Leah pulls you into a tight hug, her arms wrapping around you like a lifeline. If it weren't for how quiet it was, you're sure you wouldn't have heard her next words. "I should have protected you that day." The memory of the day you were kidnapped floods back, a painful reminder of the bond that has always connected you, even when you didn't know it.
You and Leah were in the park, innocent children caught in a moment of carefree play. You were in your pram, Leah running about, laughter echoing through the air. Then she tripped and fell, face-first into the ground. In the split second it took for Amanda to help her up, you looked away. And when Leah turned back, you were gone. Nothing but an empty space where you once sat, as if you had disappeared into thin air. In reality, you were only ever about ten minutes away from them all. Who does that? How will she react when she learns the full extent of the truth? Will she be able to forgive you for keeping this secret from her?
"How long have you known?" Leah's voice breaks the silence, her eyes searching yours for answers. You meet her gaze, bracing yourself for her reaction. "Six, nearly seven weeks," you admit, your voice barely a whisper in the quiet of the tunnel.
In the blink of an eye, everything can change

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