Not a update

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I don't normally talk about my personal business on here but I feel like this needs to be addressed. It wasn't a secret I had surgery a few weeks back. It was supposed to be a  simple hysterectomy that turned into a nightmare for me. April 19 I went to my local hospital for a hysterectomy. Everything seemed to go right but before leaving the hospital I realized I was having a problem with using the restroom. I couldn't pee but my doctor informed me that this sometimes happens and if I was stillborn having trouble the next day come back to the ER which I did. The next day I returned to the ER leaving to run testing on me for a full day finding nothing therefore they sent me home. Over the next few days my husband started to see changes in me something that I don't remember. However he said I became delirious and talking nonsense. From there I started having trouble breathing which became more intense over the next few days. Friday morning April 26 I was no longer in my right mind so he rushed me to the ER. There my husband find out I had a tear in my bladder which caused my urine to backup in my right lung. The fight for my life started there leaving me to spend almost a week in ICU before the to drain the fluid from my lung and to repair my bladder. I'm finally back home but going to take sometime to recover but I promise it won't be long. I just wanted to give my readers a rundown of what I have been through the past month. Thanks for being so supportive and patient with me.

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