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Charlotte looked down anxiously, her lips quivering. The thoughts of what she can cause today sends shivers down her spine. Roger formed a meeting for all staff members, during this later period she was meant to prove Jodies innocence and show her evidence of Mias unruly actions. But how? Charlotte grown a weird liking to Mia. Or maybe that's the opposite way around, how is she meant to explain she's friends with such a person? Charlotte let out an audible groan of frustration..

As Charlotte toughened herself up, she came up to the office. Mia, Marjorie, Jodie and Reece were already there. Quietly behind Reece was Autumn who seemed distressed.

Charlotte sighed and stepped into the room.

"Char!" Marjorie cried, "Please, please tell me you have the evidence!" Jodies face lit up at her arrival. So did nearly everyone's except Mias wasn't counted as lighting up, it was more confusion and satisfaction.

"What proof?" Roger turned around and shot Charlotte with a puzzled look.

Charlotte looked down to avoid Mia and her lethal stare.

"Hey char..if you're nervous..just imagine us all naked." Mia winked even though Charlotte wasn't looking she could tell she did.

Instead of responding, she just looked up to Mia and blushed. Then shook her head and looked back to Roger leading Mia into a small giggle.

Charlotte cleared her throat and continued, "OK.. so basically I know that ..somebody caused this upon Jodie as Jodie was not on a computer around the time this was set up." Roger nodded his head as Charlotte shown him screenshots of selected times and dates of the computers search history.

"Since you've never done anything wrong Charlotte, I'll have to agree with you. Jodie is officially not getting fired but who would buy a Louis Vuitton bag with the foundations money?" Roger asked foolishly.

"OK hold it there, what do you mean who..? The person who did it is right INFRONT of you!" Marjorie butted in, she was fairly angry that Roger was playing these dumb childish games. Mia didn't seem to react. Everyone knew it was her, even Roger himself. Mia nodded at Charlotte, "Anything more to add sweetheart?" Mia asked as Charlotte's mouth fell agape.

She shook her head and looked down.
"I...I don't have much proof of who done this." Charlotte sighed and whispered her statement yet everyone still heard it.

Marjorie and Reece just nodded, just assuming Charlotte didn't have photographic proof it was Mia. Oh but she did. Countless, and countless of files all piled up ready for Charlotte's speech. Charlotte just couldnt announce it.

"Are you sure that's it, Charlotte?" Mia smiled as Charlotte raised her head and nodded.

"Oh well that's sorted..Jodie is not longer in the landslide of being fired but that doesn't mean all of you are safe.." Roger stood up, ignoring Mias question.

"Wait!" Autumn rose out the shadows quickly.

"I have something." She pulled out her phone and shown her father a video of Mia, well supposedly mia, all it shown was leggings and heels,pulling Jodie out and making her go on her computer, Jodie nodded and agreed with what was shown, "yupp all of that so totes happened."

Roger gulped. He's not sure how to handle and approach this without having to fire Mia.

Mia sighed. I looked down to her as she was sat down on the office chair of shame as Carly enjoyed calling it. She was already looking up at me.

Finally someone spoke up, "Ahem well...Charlotte didn't say who it was and we'll the video only shows high heels and tights? You ladies like to wear that around here, we can't possibly know who done this.."

What we may be..(•Mialotte•)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt