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Marjories pov:

These past few days...were interesting, first Mia got fired, second Charlotte got divorced, Roger was caught fully making out with Siobhan, Carly had a crush, said crush liked Autumn and called her mummy( we're paying for his hospital bills), Winter wore another tutu, I introduced Jodie to coffee now she's just as bad as the children..God.. Now I think about it that's quite a lot within 4 days.

As I recap the memories, Reece walks on with a coffee.

"Hey, here's your coffee." He smiles and I return as I pick up my coffee.

"Thanks, wanna come over tonight, heard the eastenders episode is wild tonight." I replied, he grinned and nodded.

"Yeah sure, we need to watch Corination Street after though, I'm slowly getting invested, make sure to save it for later" We both grinned then suddenly his faces drops slightly.

"Sorry to be a moodkill, do you think we should check on Charlotte, you told me the other day she is going through an divorce." He questioned and slowly put his hands through my hair.

I agreed, "Yeah we should." He smiled and grabbed my hand leading us into the toddler room and getting Sorcha to cover for  her.

"What's wrong Marjorie?" Charlotte asked, her mascara was everywhere along with her hair and her eyes missed the light it usually had.

"Are you OK my love..?" I asked, concerned by her appearance.

She nodded, I didn't believe her though.

"Charlotte seriously, I love you, you're my bestest friend, you can tell me anything, I'll understand." I grabbed her hand and she looked up at me, she looked frightened.

"What's the matter.." I whispered as she started crying in my shoulder.

Reece looked over to me, concern written all over his face as I patted Charlotte's back as she sulked harder.

"I'm so sorry you've been going through this alone, I'll always be here for know that." I mumbled as she sobbed still.

She sniffled and nodded as she backed away.

"Sorry.." she muttered under her breathe.

"No don't apologise, I'm so glad you've been able to overcome this, even if you seem like you can't get better over this, you already are. I'm so proud of you Charlotte, we all are." I announced and she smiled through her tears.

After that, Carly came out after letting the children outside so Charlotte was back with Sorcha.


Reece came up to me.

"You handled that really well Marjorie.." she smiled and I nodded.

"Thanks for bring the idea up, if I didnt check on her I don't know what she would be doing to herself." I mumbled as I put my hands around his neck. He placed his hands on my waist and instead of anything too spicy we just stood there in eachothers embrace. It was nice until Autumn came in and coughed.

"Sorry Marjorie, brother. Can I go sit please?" She questioned and we nodded and separated.

"What's going on with Charlotte?" Autumn questioned me as she rose an brow.

"Shes uhm..going through a divorce." Autumn's brow rose higher.

"And whys that, did they decide it was enough or did something just happen?" She asked.

"I'm not quite sure but I think something happened, maybe he cheated, I don't know." I shrugged as I got back to paperwork. Autumn looked quite cross but sighed and got to work. Reece had already left and  went to his nursery.

Charlotte's pov:

I keep thinking about Mia. I miss her..I shouldn't of did what I did but if I didn't I would've betrayed everyone at the nursery..instead I betrayed her.

I sighed with my head in my hands. Why would I do that..

She forgave me though..
Suddenly a bright idea happened to appear in my head! Maybe there's a way to get her back..!

I smiled as I got all giddy with excitement. Quickly I got the urge to try text her.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket, fiddled with my necklace then went back to searching throughout contacts looking for one that said 'Mia💓' as that's what I saved her as beforehand. Sure it was a joke, now..I don't know what it is.

Quickly my hand swiped across the phone screen.

Hi Mia, it's Char though I'm pretty sure u anyway. How would you like to work at the nursery again? Marjorie told me about your speech on Roger and at the moment he's being questioned about child abuse by the police. Pretty sure he's getting fired and it will be paced down to either Reece or Marjorie. If you dont want to that's fine but..I really..really want to see you again x

I blushed as I reread the text countless of times over and over again.

I sent it.

It didn't take long for her to reply.

Hello sweetheart, that does sound fine but I don't know, at the moment I'm on the mission to find my father and..question him!  I might take you up in a couple of days, until then darling, I'll just be somebody on your dms again, unless you want to meet up sometime, personally I think you deserve a night out soon x💞

I smiled. Carly, who only just came into the staff room, clearly noticed aswell.

"What you smiling at?" Carly smirked mischievously. I got nervous and somehow my phone ended up flying out my hand and near the water dispenser on the side of the room.

"Oh uhhh er.. nobody!" Carly sighed and went to pick my phone up and gave it too me.

"It's Mia isn't it??" She asked calmly, my mouth made a silent o shape and we git scared.

"Uhhhhh, who's Mia.. " I tried playing it cool...I facepalmed myself and nodded as Carlys eyes watched me.

She giggled too herself, "as long as you're not having sex with her through the phone, I'm alright. I'm not having another marjoreece in this nursery!" She grinned and I nodded.

"Right, no flirting over the phone ok!" I smiled at her.

"OK.. I should go winter is gonna come searching for me if I'm not early back from break!" I waved and looked back down to my phone.


Could I go back to urs after, I have some things we can try out.💗




Carlys sly isn't she!
Anyway hope you enjoyed!


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