Episode 27

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The moment we got outside Ryan let go of my hand, he wiped his hand with his white hand towel cause my hand was so sweaty and had melted candy.

I was still smiling sheepishly when I was supposed to be embarrassed. I can't believe he held my hand and saved me as Clara. Clara close your teeth

He entered the car so I entered too and he drove off. I just smiled happily looking out the windscreen

" why didn't you shower " he finally said . I smiled.
I picked the book
" sir you where in a hurry " I wrote and I showed him
" even at that. You are a woman Clara . You should have showered no matter what." He said . God his voice is so calm , gentle and soothing when he is not angry.

I nodded.  Shower no matter what Clara.

" why did you cry. I know you to be crazy and stubborn but not a cry baby. " he said , I smiled.

Hearing him talk to me as Clara made me so happy. Even tho he didn't look at me, he doesn't look at me. Hardly.

I picked my pen but a call came into his car.

" baby" he said
Oh , it must be my sleeping beauty. I want to hear her voice too so why do I feel like my chest is tightening.

Am I jealous 😱

No no no Clara. You can't like Ryan, you can't like your angel anymore, he is Ryan, he is Anna's angel.

" actually I sat up today" she said to him, he smiled

" really? That means my baby would walk very soon" he said

" of course and when I do, I will visit you first" she said

" don't forget your promise " he said

" I won't. Where are you. Did the meeting start" she said

" not yet. 12" he said

"Ok. Let me allow you prepare. I love you" she said
" Thank you" he said I smiled
"Ryan!!!" She shouted, he laughed.
It was my first time seeing him laugh, his laughter is really beautiful. His gap teeth, Then the spark in his eyes. I guess only Anna can bring out this side of him.
" mnnnn I love you too" he said
She Chuckled and the call ended .

I felt bad after hearing the call. I don't know what is wrong with me lately.

I looked at his face but when he turned I looked away, I didn't want him to see the sadness in my eyes.

" so, do you go shopping at night" he said


" hey!!" I shouted, he turned and I covered my lips with my hand. I bowed then I picked the book.

I realized not talking thought me manners tho

"No sir. Actually , I don't have style" I wrote and showed him. He looked at it and faced forward.

" use your seat belt " he said

I tried but I couldn't get it right

" if you won't do it right, you might as well get hurt. You are always looking for my trouble anyways" he said and I smiled happily


Finally ryan stoped at a hotel. Why did he bring me here.

I followed him from behind, he made reservations and we walked upstairs.

All eyes on him. God he has so much style, if you don't know him to be a surgeon you would think he is a model / actor.

He opened the door then he sat on the bed. Wow the room is pretty

I looked around then I gently used my butt to close the door , after which I stood there with both hands on my lap

Ryan dropped his phone then he removed his jacket. I held my gown tight , what is on his mind.

" what are you doing. Take a shower" he said

" huh! Oh ... ok ... I would " I replied then I ran into the shower.

I showered and I felt really refreshed , it was when I was done that I noticed there was no towel in there.

God how do I tell him to give me the towel, am not allowed to talk to him. I brought out my hand

" well sir, your royal majesty " I said trying to please him. He didn't talk
" sir please pass the white paper, I have something to say" I said and next thing I felt on my hand was the towel.

I smiled

I dried my body then tied the towel. It was short tho. I just dragged it down as I walked out. Ryan was still on the bed. That was the first time he actually took a complete look at me, like from hair to toe. I got shy.  He looked away

" wash your hair" he said

I rushed back in then I washed my hair. I ran out and that was how I slipped then I fell down.
My towel almost untied but I held it to my chest.

He looked so shocked like he had never seen a girl like me.  I smiled in embarrassment then looked down.

Ryan brushed his hair behind then he walked away

I hastily stood up and tied my Towel, I sat on the bed then I plugged the drier and dried my hair. After a while it was dried.

Ryan walked in, he was on call. She calls him a lot.

He dropped a pink bag on the bed then he left.

I opened it, pant, bra and a black gown. I  smiled

I wore the red lace panties and it fit so well, i smiled. Even my mum doesn't know my size.

I smiled happily as I wore the bra and it was perfect. More perfect than all my picks. How did he know - well he is a surgeon , a woman's body would be like the back of his hands.

I wore the black body con gown, it was long and classy. I couldn't zip it so I left it like that. I packed my hair then I wore the slipper.

I packed my clothes into my school bag then I walked out, wearing the bag on one shoulder.

I saw him outside so I bowed. I tried rushing out but he dragged me back. I stopped and he carefully zipped my gown up. I felt 1m fire works in my stomach. I hastily shifted away then I bowed.


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